Chapter 10

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Skylar pov

Once Thomas was done eating I put him down in the living room in the pack and play. Then once Anabelle was done I cleaned her up then sent her to play too. After I was done with the he kids Chris sat down beside me and gave me some pancakes. I ate them quickly and so did Chris as we kept looking at the time. Once we were both done Chris put the plates in the dishwasher whilst I got the kids shoes on and mine. I then carried both kids out to my car. Chris locked the door then he got Anabelle off of me and put her in the car seat whilst I put Thomas in. When I was done I put my bag in the boot and Chris did the same. We began driving with very little traffic. It didn't take us long to get there. Once we pulled up i took Thomas and Chris took Anabelle. Then I rushed out to get to school on time. I got to my car to see Chris waiting. We got in and I began driving again. 'You are amazing with the kids you know' 'thanks ' 'you scared the life out of me this morning' 'sorry it was that he was crying and it was the only way I could get him to sleep' he just smiled. 'Are you going to be ok tonight ?' I nodded 'it's not going to be easy but it's not going to be that hard either' ' good if you need me then I will come home ok ?' I nodded pulling into the car park. 'Can I have your number to text you tonight when I need picking up?' 'Sure' we swapped numbers then we headed inside school.

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