Chapter 14

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Skylar pov

2 months later

The past two months had gone by quickly. Chris had taken me out on  some more walks like at the park which was really nice. I had really settled in with Chris and the kids but his partner was never around. I have never met or seen her only from a few photos around the house. Today I had my final day of school. I got up then went and did what was now my normal regime. Get up and ready then get the kids up and ready too. Also it had gotten to a point were I had to get Chris up a few times. Today Chris wasn't up still and we needed to go soon. I sent Anabelle to go wake him up whilst I got Thomas ready. Once I got him ready I walked into Chris' room. Anabelle was jumping on the bed shouting 'wake up daddy!' He jumped up and grabbed a hold of her then laid her down and tickled her. I stood leaning on the doorway with Thomas on my hip. I smiled at the sight. I hope when I'm older I have someone like that with hopefully my kids. Thomas had been doing really well sleeping through the night and in his own bed which was good as well. He then got up and told Anabelle to come with me. I took both the kids downstairs and fed them. Once they were done eating I let them both play whilst I waited for Chris. He came down and began getting his bag sorted. 'I will drive today and tonight meet me at my office' I nodded grabbing both of the kids and putting them on my hip. I put Thomas in his car seat whilst Chris did Anabelle. Today the kids were going to be at Chris' parents house for a change. He drove there and I had met them they were really nice people but they had come to the house and never we went to theirs. He pulled up in front of a big but family house it had was about the size of my family home. We took the kids out and dropped them off before going to school. Today was my last day and I was glad as I could focus on my career and I could do more with the kids. Also Chris was off for 6 weeks so we could do something and maybe Chris' partner can come. We got to school then Chris told me to meet him at the end of the day.

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