Chapter 11

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Skylar pov

After school I rushed out knowing I needed to pick up the kids. Why was this not very easy? Oh yeah because there was traffic and I had a lot to do. I pulled up to the nursery. I collected Thomas then Anabelle. I put them in the car with difficulty as Anabelle kept walking off when I tried to put Thomas in. Then I drove home. Once we were back. I unloaded everything and the kids then we went into the house I made them both some snacks or milk into Thomas' case. Anabelle went off to play whilst I sat with Thomas on my lap. He looked at me and I started bobbing my legs up and down causing him to giggle. It also made me smile. After a while I made Thomas and Anabelle some dinner. I then started to prepare Chris' dinner I did some vegetables and two shepards pies. Before I cooked everything I got the kids and out them in my car as I needed to pick up Chris.  I drove out of the houses road and down the hill to school. I parked in the desolate car park. Thomas began to cry whilst Anabelle was happy playing with her doll. I got out and took Thomas out of the car seat and sat back in the front with him. He immediately calmed down. I texted Chris saying I was in the car park and I saw him come out of the doors. I got out and put Thomas back in the back. He got to the car and put his stuff in the boot. 'Was Thomas crying again?' I nodded as he got in and started the car. 'Daddy!' Anabelle shouted then me and Chris smiled as I began to back out. 'Anabelle' he replied. 'The kids are fed the just need to go to bed and our dinner is prepared' 'sounds as if you have done a good job then' 'thanks but you will have to taste the food before you give me your opinion'. He chuckled and I continued driving. When we got home I parked up in the garage then I got Thomas and half of Chris' stuff whilst he got the other half and Anabelle. I put his things down by the bottom of the stairs as I walked in and went to put the kids to bed.

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