Chapter 18

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Skylar pov

We pulled away . He still had tears running down his face so I wiped them away with my hand. 'Let's go downstairs and me with Marie's help can put the kids to bed then we can talk okay?' He nodded. I held his hand and pulled him downstairs. He sat down and I said 'come on kids time for bed and Marie can you help me then it's your bed time top isn't it' I was trying to hint that she was to leave. She picked up Anabelle whilst I got Thomas. We walked up the stairs . She asked me 'what's up?' 'Drama drama to put it in short form I'm now his girlfriend' 'lucky you just now don't forget about me' I nodded. She took Anabelle to bed and I did Thomas. Once they were in bed we walked down the stairs. I hugged her and she said 'good luck ' she then went out the door to her car. I walked over to the sofa and sat beside Chris. 'Do you want to move into my bedroom? Look if you don't I understand' I cut him off by saying 'Sure as long as you don't try anything' he laughed then I said 'Let's go out tomorrow and get some fresh air and move rooms yeah?' He nodded then said 'do you wanna go in the pool it will be relaxing?' I nodded then we both got up and went to change. When I was In my room now to be my old room I had figured the real reason to go in the pool it's so he can look at me in my bikini without having to hide it. I walked out of my bedroom purposefully having a towel in my hand and not around me. I walked out on the back garden with a monitor that was on both of the kids. I sat on the chairs waiting for Chris. He came running out and jumped into the pool. I got up and walked to the steps. He watched me get in. The water was really nice and warm. I went over to Chris and he smiled. He picked me up with a evil smirk on his face and threw me to the deep end. I popped up from under the water and I was pulled back and into Chris. Still trying to catch my breath I grabbed a hold of Chris. It just happend to be his neck so he wrapped his arms around me and leaned in to a kiss. He picked me up and threw me again. This time when I was pulled up he pulled me to the side. He held me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Then he began to kiss me. We kissed for what seemed like minutes. We pulled away and I swam away knowing I shouldn't try anything more.

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