Chapter 19

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Skylar pov

I woke up the next morning in mine and Chris' room now. Last night was fun apart from he kept dunking me under the water. When I tried to turn around Chris was behind me with his arm around my waist. There was no way I was going anywhere. So I turned around to face him. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and he pulled me closer straight away. 'Don't do that' he said not opening his eyes. I giggled. 'Oh you find it funny?' I shut up but it was to late he shot up and pinned me beneath him. Now I know the consequences of doing that. He had me pinned I couldn't move. 'Now let's finish what you started' he leaned down and kissed me. We broke apart to the sound of crying. He got up and went to go get Thomas. He came back with Thomas and Anabelle. 'Skylar what are you doing in here?' Anabelle asked running in and onto the bed. Chris got in behind me causing me to have to move up Thomas laid beside me whilst Anabelle laid playing with her dolly beside Thomas. 'Well now Skylar is your mommy' I smiled at that thought. 'What about mummy?' ' don't you like me? Aren't i any good?' 'Yeah yeah' I knew that Chris didnt want to tell her so I talked for him. He had his arm around my waist and he said 'thanks' whilst squeezing his other arm underneath me and pulling me to him. We laid there for a while then we got up. We started by moving my stuff into my new room. When we were done we went downstairs and Chris made pancakes. I sat on the barstool whilst he cooked after I had fed Thomas. When we had eaten we sat on the sofa well me and Chris did Anabelle played whilst Thomas laid with a teddy happily for once. I sat with my legs intertwined with Chris' and he put his arm around me as I leaned into his chest. We sat watching TV for about a hour then we got ready and set of for another park. Whilst I drove chairs put his hand on my leg and kept squeezing my leg which would make me jump and him laugh. I was happy i didn't have to hide the fact I liked him now and that we could be a couple.

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