Chapter 30

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Skylar pov

I woke up the next morning beside Chris. He was already awake and drawing circles on my back. We were both in our underwear. I looked at both of us then I looked back to him. 'Sorry I couldn't let you sleep in your clothes and I couldn't be bothered to get us both changed' 'I don't mind babe I love you' 'I love you too sweetie' I laid my head on his chest. The nice peacefulness only lasted a few moments before Thomas and Anabelle came in and jumped on our bed. Anabelle went to beside Chris and was jumping whilst Thomas came to my side and I picks him up. I laid him beside me Inbetween me and Chris. He laid there and closed his eyes again. Anabelle jumped up and down as I laid my head on Chris' shoulder. We laid there me, Chris and Thomas until Anabelle said ' mommy can we do something fun like a day trip?' Me and Chris both smiled as she called me mommy 'Well sweetie me and daddy have been talking about a holiday' her face lit up. She smiled and carried on jumping. Chris then whispered in my ear 'then maybe a night away to ourselves just me and you' he said rubbing my back then he placed a kiss on my forehead. 'I'd like that' I said blushing as I knew what was going to happen on that night we were going to be alone. 'How about I make us all some pancakes?' Anabelle jumped off of the bed and ran out whilst Chris chuckled. 'Do you want some my love ?' I nodded then he smiled 'and some for Thomas too' I added then he nodded and followed Anabelle down the stairs. I laid there with Thomas in my arms trying to imagine having my own child to add to the family. I just wished that it wouldn't be soon as Thomas was only one and Anabelle was nearly four. Although I knew that I would have Chris no matter what so it didn't matter and he had a really supportive family which would help too. I still laid there in my underwear not really caring although Chris had gone downstairs in just his. Thomas laid there cuddling up to me and he had his head right at my chest. I got up and wrapped my rive around me. I held his hand as he walked beside me. Once I got to the kitchen all I saw was Chris in his underwear and a apron singing as Anabelle played in the living room.

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