Chapter 20

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Skylar pov

When we got to the park we pulled up. I got out to go pay but Chris told me he would pay. So instead I got out the kids stroller and put them in it. Once Chris had paid. We began to walk. There was a trail that we planned on following. As we began to walk Chris held my hand so I pushed the stroller with one hand but when I needed the help he helped me with his free hand. We walked down part of the trail. It was a section that the trees coverdale over the top so it was like an arch. It was so beautiful and relaxing. We walked along the trail. It took us 3 hours in total to get around the all of the park. We headed back to the car and headed home. When we got back Chris decided to take me out for dinner. He said that we would get ready and then wait for Marie to get here to watch the kids. I dressed in a red dress that was fitted to my body with some black flats as I didn't do heels. Chris dressed in some black jeans and a smart collared shirt paired with a brown jacket. Once Marie got here we headed off. We went in my car just as it was easier seen as though we went out earlier. But Chris drove. I didn't know what we were doing or where we were going. We chatted in the car. On part was 'what did Anabelle whisperer to you in the nursery and the other night?' 'Oh nothing' 'no tell me' ' ok fine the first time she said you were a princess and the second time that I should kiss you' 'and she knew you liked your ex partner but still she said that?' He nodded ' that mischievous little girl' 'but I did what she said and what I wanted to do though' ' so you planned this?' I said getting annoyed
'no I mean that I got a kiss after you talked to me' 'oh' 'come on we are here' we got out of the car. We were at the park that Chris had took me the first time. The paths was laid with rose petals and candles 'I had my parents help and my friend help plan and make this happen' I nodded I held his hand walking along the path following the rose petals and candles. Then as the path went two ways the candles and rose petals went straight on to the middle of a field. As I began to see what he had done my jaw dropped. Not literally. There was a little tree with lights in with a picnic set out underneath.

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