Chapter 38

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Skylar pov

Chris immediately said'' I'm going to see when we can see him and I'm calling my parents to tell them the news'' I nodded glad to have it all over but worried for the health of my baby. Chris went out on the phone and I laid my head down on the pillows allowing for sleep to consume me but it didn't. I stayed laid there for another half an hour. I had just started to drift off when Chris came back in with one of the midwifes. '' He's healthy and kickin' literally. But he's handsome and he's now got two excited siblings ready to meet him and grandparents. But they are coming to visit later'' I nodded looking to the trolley thing he had been brought in. The midwife handed him to me before leaving. I held him in my arms as he looked up at me.

''What shall we name him? We never thought about that.'' During my pregnancy we have just been focusing on the kids and getting them used to the fact that there would be a little baby soon. Annabelle took it fine, she took it as if there will be a little person for her to play doctor too. Thomas on the other hand he has become attached to me and has started to refuse from leaving my side which is cute for the first like 10 minutes before you have to do something and then it becomes impossible. although his snuggles have been nice for when we have took naps together over the last few weeks. I know for a fact that I will have to try and manage a baby and toddler with no doubt them being attached and won't want me to leave.

''How about Matthew ?'' I suggested looking down at the newest addition to the family. ''Sounds great. Hello Matthew'' Chris said waving to the new born. ''You did a grand job babe'' Chris said kissing my forehead ''let me take him for abit and you sleep you look tired'' I nodded '' it's all thanks to you too i just had to carry him for 9 months and then give birth to him and I'm telling you now there no more now ones enough to go through that again. But when's Thomas and Annabelle coming ?'' Chris chuckled and replied '' half an hour but get some rest babe please'' I turned onto my side and closed my eyes before hearing ''you mommy did a grand job with you and I will too I will show you to world but first you have to meet two little monsters you siblings''. I then drifted into sleep.

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