Chapter 24

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Skylar pov

During the drive I looked out of the window as the car ride was silent. I kept thinking that it was all of my fault that this had happend. If I hadn't of took the job to be the nanny and then Chris wouldn't of fallen for me or I him. Then the kids would have Chris and then their mother come back. I wouldn't of put the kids in danger if I hadn't of been so stupid and took the opportunity I had. I then decided that I had to leave for Chris' and the kids safety and mine too. I didn't want the kids to become even more involved than they are and me being in the mess well something is bound to happen. It's just probably best if Chris has the kids and his ex because I don't fit into it anywhere apart from coming in and messing things up causing Daniel to get hurt and the kids to be taken by their mother that had turned syco. I was brought out of my thought by Chris putting his hand on my leg. 'It's not your fault you know' he kept looking back and forth between me and the road. I just gave him a slight nod. 'I wish I hadn't of met the syco now. But if so I wouldn't have been given the two wonderful kids that I have now that always make me smile everyday'. As he was talking about the kids a tear fell down my cheek. 'Hey its ok. We will get the kids back one way or another'. We pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked up. I got out as soon as I could and began walking to the doors. Chris caught up to me and pulled me so that I had stopped. He hugged me then made me look at him. He put his hand under my chin to make me look at him and said 'this isn't your fault don't ever think that okay? We are getting the kids back' more tears escaped my eyes and he gave me a kiss before wiping the tears away. He took my hand and led me into the hospital to see Daniel. And I was the reason he was In there.

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