Chapter 34

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Skylar pov

I woke up the next morning and I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Chris walked in and sat beside me. He held my hair up and rubbed my back. When I was done he said 'Hey are you ok ?' I nodded and then I cleaned myself up and he told me to go lay down. He came in a few minutes later with some food. 'The kids are still asleep so try and eat and when we get home I need to pick up something and then you can rest ok ?' I nodded and ate a few spoonfuls. I couldn't eat I felt worse the more I ate. When the kids got up we packed up and left. It didn't take us that long to get back Chris stopped at a pharmacy. It took him a few moments until we were driving back again. When we got back Chris sorted the bags out as I laid in bed. Then Chris went out for abit and took the kids. He came back a while later and came beside me. 'I have taken the kids to my moms house they are staying there tonight so I can help you' I nodded. He got up and went to a draw and pulled out the bag that he got from the pharmacy. He pulled out pregnancy tests my eyes widend at the sight. 'Hey its to be sure ok?' I nodded then went to the bathroom and took it. I came out and laid it beside the bed. I sat In Chris' arms waiting. 'I have to go back to work tomorrow but the kids have daycare and I could do with someone in the office with me. Would you want to come ?' 'Chris are you sure that's ok as I could be a distraction ?' He nodded and I replied 'ok then' he smiled. I had put a timer on my phone for 5 minutes and it made me jump. I looked at the pregnancy test and couldn't believe my eyes. I looked to Chris and he looked shocked too. I had never planned this. Was it too early. Thomas is still only young. I can't have a baby not now. 'Babe don't worry I am here ok? We will do this together ' I nodded then I laid back in his arms.

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