Chapter 37

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Skylar pov 

8 Months Later 

I woke up suddenly late at night with bad stomach pains. The kids had stayed at Chris' parents house over the weekend and were due back today. But it looked to not be happening. I got up out of bed and saw that the bed was wet. I clutched the bedside table as another contraction started. The bedside table was no help as I tried to get up to wake Chris.'' Chris!'' I shouted but to no avail as another contraction flooded through my stomach. I sat down on the edge of the bed whilst it passed over. By this time I had tears running down my face as I tried desperately to wake Chris as the contractions kept coming. ''Chris !'' I shouted again this time waking him up. He stirred saying ''what's wrong?'' he said without opening his eyes. I just sat there and looked at him until another contraction came over me again. I clutched my stomach closing my eyes. Chris then got up and said '' your in labour!'' All I could do at that moment was open my eyes and look at him. The contraction soon passed and I got up to walk with Chris' aid. ''We better take you to the hospital then. I will take you to the car then I will get our bag and call my mum.''

We both hobbled to the car, me stopping every few moments because of the contractions, and Chris sat me in. He then ran and got my hospital bag then we were off. The drive there was painful as every few minutes I had contractions. All I could do during the contractions was find something to hold onto and wait till they had passed. The drive in all was long and slow Chris went as fast as he could but I thought it wasn't fast enough. But soon enough we were at the hospital and Chris shouted a nurse over with a wheelchair. Once I was carefully placed in the wheelchair, after having to stop halfway through thanks to a contraction, we then were taken to a room and a midwife sent. One she had arrived she took one look at me and then she laid me down on the bed before looking down by my legs to say '' the baby is coming now!'' before running out of the room. Next 4 midwifes all came in and took places in the room before I was told to push.

I did with all of the energy I had before it was all over but the nurse then said '' take it to intensive care'' before whispering something. I looked to Chris who complained that I and nearly broke his hand even though I didn't notice his hand near me probably too in pain. We both had tears in our eyes and I asked the nurse '' is my baby okay?'' she nodded and replied '' its a handsome lovely boy. we are just checking his airway and eyes as it seems as though your waters have been broken for sometime''. She then left leaving me and Chris.

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