Chapter 21

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Skylar pov

We walked over and sat down on a mat. 'Do you like it?' Chris said scratching the back of his neck. 'Do I? Are you kidding? Of course this is beautiful!' He smiled and said 'anything for you my love' I opened up the picnic basket that was placed beside the mat. It had all of my favourite foods in and bottles of water. I took the food out and looked at Chris he just sat there smiling at me. I couldn't believe it. 'I had all of this made for you' 'thanks it's my favourite foods how did you know?' 'Well Marie and from you living at my house'. 'About that I wanted to talk' 'what?' 'Well about our future' 'don't you think it's a bit early I mean sure we can. But why ?' 'Because of my ex partner she may try to get back in ' 'what do you mean?' 'Right. I love you and I want you to know that and with everything that has gone on she may try to come back into my life as that's what she has done before. She will just turn up and think everything is fine' 'what about it?' 'You are the one I love not her okay?' I nodded then he said' Let's talk about something better now. What do you think about marriage?' 'I don't mind but i think if you love someone then that person would know and you don't need a ring to show that' he nodded then said 'what about kids?' 'Well i am happy at the moment with Anabelle and Thomas. But if we were to have more children then I would be happy either way' 'even though they aren't your children?' 'Well with how things are going I'm basically going to be Thomas' mum as he won't remember her it will probably be just me which I don't mind and as long as Anabelle is happy i am ok' 'this is why I love you' he said grabbing me and pulling me towards him. I fell towards him as he fell backwards. I landed on top of him. I tried to get off but he just held me down. He tucked some hair behind my ear and said 'I love you and I love it when you are close to me' 'don't get too excited matie' we both laughed as we laid there looking at the stars.

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