Chapter 39

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Skylar pov

I woke to hushed voices and something cuddling up to me. I looked down to see Thomas and I shuffled him closer to me and turned my head to see Chris sat with Matthew talking to his mum then to Chris' dad playing with Annabelle. I looked down to Thomas and said ' did you miss me?'' he just nodded and put his head on my stomach. '' Is that baby brother?'' '' it is and his name is Matthew'' ''but that doesn't mean that you are leaving me does it ?'' I shook my head and brought him up to the side of me '' it just means that sometimes I will have to look after him and you. I'm not going anywhere.'' he nodded then placed his head on my chest and closed his eyes. He did this a lot when I was pregnant he fell asleep on my with his tiny arms around my waist or arm or something.

''How's Matthew Chris?'' Chris then looked up to me and smiled '' just great but I think he's hungry'' he then passed him to me and the midwife helped me breastfeed him. So I was laid there with Thomas on one side of me and Matthew eating on the other''. ''What time is it?'' ''8 o'clock. The nurse says once he's fed and if you and him are okay we can head home'' I nodded and wrapped Matthew back up and passed him to Daniel. ''I'm a uncle again. It still feels the same from when Annabelle and Thomas were born but obviously Matthew's mother and Annabelle's and Thomas' step mother is nicer and also prettier'' Chris just shot Daniel a glare before getting a midwife.

Chris' parents left with the kids to meet us back home as me and Matthew were given the all clear. Daniel had stopped behind to help me and Chris with Matthew and my stuff. The midwife came with a wheelchair. As I got into that Chris helped me and Daniel for some reason we trusted him to put Matthew in the car seat. But after I was ready and Daniel had failed to do it Chris did it instead. As we went out of the hospital I had Matthew on my lap whilst Daniel and Chris carried the bags and presents that we had received from the kids and Chris' parents.

Before we knew it i was in the back of the car and Chris drove whilst arguing with his brother. ''I'm a uncle yay!'' '' we know and I'm a dad and Sky's a mum we get It'' ''but I'm a uncle again and this time you have chose right'' '' we get it'' was just back and forth at I heard. '' Would you both shut up and allow Chris to drive as there is a new born here and I don't want to crash.'' The rest of the drive home was quiet especially since they both shut up. When we got home we were greeted by the gang from the hospital. As we pulled up Chris' mum got Matthew then Daniel and Chris helped me out of the car and to the sofa. I could walk fine but I had to stop for abit before going again. When i sat down Thomas came and sat with me, Chris came and sat down with a arm around me and a arm holding Matthew. Chris' parents sat down and started chatting with us whilst Annabelle played In the playroom.

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