Chapter 22

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Skylar pov

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I looked to the side and saw a note.

My love,
I have been called to work just to check something out can you please look after the kids for a hour or so


I got up to find that Thomas and Anabelle were asleep still. So I got dressed and did my hair which consisted of brushing it and putting it in a pony tail. As I was finishing getting ready I head someone walking on the corridor. I had left the door open in case the kids woke up. As I opened the door I saw a very sleepy Anabelle come into view. 'Morning princess' I said picking her up. She must of still of been half asleep as she put her arms around my neck and leaned to me. I smiled and began to walk downstairs. I sat her down on the sofa and put a blanket around her with the he TV on before going back up the stairs to get Thomas. I didn't think he was awake but when I went into his room he was just laid in bed quietly looking up to some teddies he had. I picked him up and the teddy he was looking at then I took him down stairs. I placed him down so he could play near Anabelle. I went to the kitchen and I made two lots of porridge for the kids. I sat both of them down and let them eat as I made and ate a slice of toast. When they were both done I let Anabelle go and play whilst Thomas didn't want to be put down so I held him on my hip whilst I loaded the dishwasher. As I was finishing up the door bell rang. I went to the door to see a woman there. I didn't recognise her and it couldn't of been anyone in Chris' family as I had met them. Also she knew the pass code for the gate. I kept Thomas on my hip and opened the door. "Hello can I help you?' I said 'oh I guess your his new girl gosh he moves on quick'.

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