Chapter 33

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Skylar pov

1 week later

Today we were leaving for the cottage that we were all staying in over night. We didn't book it for long as we knew that the kids wouldn't last that long there but we decided to book another holiday later on in the year for a week or so. I had three suitcases on my and Chris' bed. I was just packing my stuff whilst Chris was his. Thomas was laid on the bed asleep and Anabelle was running around to her room and back with her dolls. I packed some clothes, a towel, toiletries and phone charger. I zipped up my bag and placed it near the door. Whilst Chris finished I started packing the kids' suitcase with all that they needed. Once everything was packed we put it in the car and set off.

It was only a half an hour drive but It took a while as Thomas wasn't happy through the whole ride. I ended up sitting in the back with him to cheer him up. Once we got there I took the kids out of their car seats. Anabelle ran in the cottage with her little rucksack she packed with her teddy. I carried Thomas in. I had him in my arms and he happily played with my neckalace as I grabbed a bag. Chris got the rest and we walked into the cottage. We put the bags into the master bedroom and then took the kids to have a look around. There was a living area with a table and kitchen. Then there was a bathroom and two bedrooms. Anabelle sat in the living room playing as I set Thomas down for a nap as he didn't sleep during the car ride. I went to the kitchen and made some food as it was getting late. We all ate I talked to Chris about our future and the kids played whilst eating. We all got cleaned up and then we put the kids to bed. I decided to get a shower so whilst Chris was reading to Anabelle and Thomas I went into the bathroom and had a shower. I walked out and to our bedroom with a towel around me. I walked into the bedroom with Chris standing there staring at me. 'Chris ? What?' He looked at me and smiled. He walked to me then he pushed me down onto the bed.

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