Chapter 5

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That's how my life was after that memory. I lived my life to the fullest. I went to parties, painted, and simply enjoyed life.

I was able to watch E-News without bursting out in tears when I saw Blake. I was able to look at the business magazines that talked about his success without feeling the pain that brought me to my knees. I was simply getting better.

That's why when my old boss/current best friend James called to hang out, I was more than thrilled too.

We went to hang out in his club. This is the first time since I worked there that I'm gonna be back. Not to earn money as a stripper there, but to have fun with a couple of the girls I worked with.

James has one night every week where he turns the strip club into a normal club where anyone can come. That's what makes his club so unique. It's also popular with college students and people who are looking for a good time.

I knew exactly who should come: France. He already knew about my last job, and he was okay with it. Although he wouldn't have let me be a stripper if he knew about it then. I wanted him to met the people who were there for me during that time. He already knew James but not the girls I danced with.

I got ready in a sparkly gold tight fitted short dress that dipped low in the back. I paired it with six-inch golden heels. I didn't bring a purse because I didn't need one. Also, I didn't want to forget or lose it when I was at the club.

Once I finished getting ready, I grabbed my keys and drove to France's house. I was going to talk to his wife Jenny and make sure it was okay with her before France got home. It was five and I knew France would come home at six, so it gave him time to get ready before we left.

I arrived at their house, unlocked it, and walked inside.

"Jenny, your home"

"Hey. I'm in the living room," she replied.

I walked to the living room and found her sitting on the couch reading a book. I walked towards her and laid down on her.

"What? No get off!" She started yelling at me and trying to push me off of her.

"Okay, okay. I'm off." I got off her laughing and sat up on the couch beside her.

She sighed, "What do you want?"

I smiled at her and asked, "How do you know I want something?"

"Because you're too nice..." she said getting up and putting her book down on the side table. Jenny grabbed me and dragged me to the kitchen.

"But since you're already here..." she trailed off before continuing, "come eat dinner with me."

As she stirred the food, she explained, "France has a business dinner already and just told me. Can you believe that bastard told me after I made good?"

She shook her head, but I knew she loved him, "So since you want something and I want to not eat alone, I think we can make an arrangement."

" Spoken like a true wife of a CEO," I said as we shook hands on it.

We set the dinner table, and she made both of us a plate of food. It looked so delicious. She made meatloaf with a fruit salad and some broccoli. She poured us each a glass of white wine.

We sat down and ate while we talked about how our day went. We gossiped about anything from France to the old, noisy lady across the street.

We finished dinner, and I told her to relax while I washed the dishes. She tried to argue with me, but I dragged her to a chair and poured her another glass.

When I finished, we went to the living room and sat down.

"France should be here soon it's almost six," she said examining her watch, "so what did you want with France."

"I'm taking him to a strip club," I said and started laughing as she choked on the wine she was drinking.

"Did you say a strip club?" She said through coughs.

I knew I had to save her from dying and save myself from getting slapped by her.

"Yeah, but we won't be with strippers. You know James' club and how once a week he turns the strip club into a real club." I continued talking when she nodded, "Well, James called and said that if I could come today, he would turn the strip club into a normal club."

She started to punch me, "I was going to murder you for suggesting taking my husband to watch strippers."

"So, I wanted to ask you if he could come with me and if you might want to come to," I asked as we heard the door open and France calling out to Jenny.

As we saw France entering the room she whispered, " I don't want to go but take him and leave. Have fun and send me a picture if he's dancing with anyone other than you."

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