Chapter 6

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We parked in the VIP parking space and got out of the car turning heads as we walked. They all wanted to see the VIP guests.

They probably hoped they could convince us to let them in. We walked past them hearing a lot of catwalks for me and giggling girls for France.

We greeted the bouncer and he let us in since he recognized me. I saw the difference in the club as I walked in. You wouldn't even know it was a strip club less than 12 hours ago.

James removed the poles and in its place on the stage were groups of dancers. Anyone is allowed on the stages as long as they aren't being stupid.

We walk through the crowd to get to the staircase that leads to the VIP lounge on the second floor. As we drove to the club, I called James to see where he wanted us to meet him. He said he would be in the VIP lounge, so that's why we were heading there. We walked up the staircase and saw James waiting for us by the bar.

We walked to him and James must have heard us because he turns around and stood up to greet us. James hugged me and he turned towards France and did the handshake thing that all guys do.

James told me the girls were going to be a little late, so we sat around the bar getting caught up on what's happening in our lives.

That's when my song came on, Or Nah. I dragged France and James down to the dance floor. I walked through the crowd trying to get to the middle of the crowd. Guys tried to grab me for a dance, but James and France pushed them all away.

Once we got to the middle, France and I started to dance together while James started to dance with another girl. We were enjoying ourselves when I saw the girls: Jewel, Amy, and Becca coming towards us.

"What up girl," they shout at the same time.

"Nothing much," I replied hugging them all and saying how it's been too long and we should hang out more.

"Hey girls! You already know James, but this is my brother from another mother Francisco," I introduced France to each of the girls.

"Come on girl. You know we never dance on the main floor. What happened to want to be the center of attention?" Becca asked while dragging me to the raised mini-stages.

Becca dragged me to the stairs leading to the raised stage with little resistance from me as I heard James and France laughing at me.

I could only imagine what they were seeing, a five-foot girl dragging a girl who was much taller than her behind her.

The boys and us girls danced to every song, while the bartender had drinks delivered to us. All thanks to James. All night long we danced and had fun.

I have to admit I missed this, having someone's undivided attention on me. That's why for the night, I stopped caring. I didn't care that this could be in a magazine tomorrow. I didn't care that I used to be married.

For one night, I wasn't ashamed of my past because my past lead me to these great people.

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