Chapter 32

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It was a couple of days after France and I talked about what happened between Blake and me after his birthday dinner.

I talked to France through the phone and texted him often, but we haven't seen each other in person since then. I knew he was busy with work, but I also knew that we had to talk about the Blake issue soon.

I just waited until France would bring it up first. But as the days went on, he didn't address the issue. He didn't even bring it up during any of our conversations.

I thought maybe he had dropped the subject. That's why when he called again, I thought it would be just a casual conversation about our days and how everything has been. It wasn't.

I was in the kitchen when he called. I answered the phone putting it on speaker.

"Hey France, what up?" I greeted him.

My voice sounded a little weird since I was moving around so much. I was trying to find a place to sit, but it's the kitchen so there was nowhere.

I was about to give up and continue standing when my eyes landed one something, the countertops. I got the brilliant idea to jump on the countertop.

France started talking, but I want to listen. I was too focused on trying to get on the countertop.

I was having trouble. I mean who the fuck would make the countertops so tall. Don't people know that short people buy houses too?

I finally managed to crawl on the countertop after many trials and errors. I manage to get up because I stepped on the window sill and pushed myself on the counter.

I was on the counter breathing heavily. I mean it's a work out for short people. I need to start working out again, I've been slacking a lot lately.

I sat there for a second trying to get my breath back when I realized something. FRANCE!

While I was too busy trying to get on the counter, I forgot that France called me and that I was talking to him.

I scrambled to get my phone from where I left it beside me. I picked up the phone seeing the screen still bright, meaning France was still on the phone. But I didn't hear anyone talking, so I assumed he must have left or forgotten to end the call.

"France..." I called out into the phone but didn't hear a reply.

"France..." still not hearing a reply I continued to call out, "France...France...France!"

I heard someone shifting around on the other end of the line. I waited for a while to see if it was France. Hearing more shuffling I continued to wait and was not disappointed because I hear France shouting that he was coming.

"So," he started, "You finally bless me with your presence."

France said it with a British accent. I can just imagine France bowing to me like I was the queen or something. I just rolled my eyes at his childish behavior but chose to ignore him.

"France just shut the hell up and tell me why you called."

He stopped his acting, "I'll tell you once you tell me why you left me hanging for."

He paused for a moment, "For like ten minutes. I should be the one saying 'what the hell' not you."

I laughed at his stupidity. Why would he stop talking just to look at the time to tell me how much time I wasted?

I mean he was a hypocrite, he was telling me how I waste his time. He was wasting my time checking to see how much time I wasted.

I shook my head, "I."

I stopped thinking about what I was about to say and knew I was the one who was stupid now. Thinking about my actions caused me to blush.

I hesitated before speaking, "I was just distracted I guess."

He must have heard the hesitation in my voice because he asked again, "What were you doing?"

I knew he knew I wasn't telling the whole truth and I blushed even more.

In a defeated voice, I murmured "I was trying to climb on the counter to sit on it."

I heard him pause for a second before bursting out with laughter. I continued to blush as he continued to laugh at me.

I knew my actions were stupid, so I waited for him to stop laughing. When he finished laughing, I waited for him to catch his breath before asking him again.

"What did you want?"

I heard the smile in his voice as he replied, "I just wanted to ask you out for dinner."

"Okay," I replied.

I mean he could have just texted me or something. He didn't need to bless me with his annoying voice.

"So that's a yes." he trailed off.

I laughed, "Of course that is a yes. Why would I say no? I have never said no to one of your offers for dinner before."

Then I became worried. Why would he be worried about dinner?

"Yes!" he screamed into the phone.

I heard him moving around. It sounded like he was dancing around and cheering. I wondered why he was so happy. I mean I only agreed to go out to dinner with him.

I heard the cheering stop and it suddenly got very quiet. I heard him walking and him fumbling with the phone. He must have picked it up.

"Okay!" he still exclaimed cheerfully. "Meet me at the Italian restaurant Luciano tomorrow at six in the afternoon."

He said this all in one breath, and I feared he would pass out. But before I could get another word in to talk to him, he hung up the phone.

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