Chapter 14 (Part 2)

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After the man told me about the pictures, I asked Mr. Matthews for more hours. After that, I spent most of my time at work trying to make enough money.

I worked overtime and asked Mr. Matthews for an advance on my paychecks for the next couple of months for enough money to pay off the man. The advance, overtime, and the money I had saved in the bank come out to be enough. I also had enough to pay for the trip for Blake and me. Since, Blake's birthday was at the end of the month, July 28, about the same time the man wanted the money.

I could have always taken the money from Blake and I's joint bank account, but I didn't want Blake to find out.

It was during my lunch break when I got a call from an unknown number. I answer it thinking it was someone I knew who was calling me on another number. It wasn't, it was the guy blackmailing me.

"If you have the money, collect it and meet me one Yellowstone Ave. In 30 minutes," he said not giving me a chance to speak.

I went to the bank a block down and gathered the money in a black sports bag that was in my car. I walked down to Yellowstone Ave and waited to try to see where he was.

Someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me to an alleyway. I struggled to get out of his hold until he turned me around and I saw him.

"I'm guessing the money's in the bag," he said attempting to grab it.

I stepped back away from his reach.

"I have all the money. I want the pictures first."

"What you don't trust me?" he asked smirking at me.

I just looked at him like he was stupid. Of course, I didn't trust him, who would trust someone who is blackmailing them.

He sighed and reached into his coat pocket. He tossed an envelope to me. I caught it and looked inside seeing the pictures.

"It's all the pictures I have. Give me the money now. If you don't I will kill you before you have the time to think about running."

I knew he would because I saw the outline of a gun in his pocket. He already had his hand wrapped around the gun.

I gave him the bag. He grabbed it and ran to a car that was waiting for him. I walked back to work scared as hell but glad that this was over. But it wasn't over, I just didn't know it at the time.

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