Bonus 2

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(5 years later)

I was woken up by a little body jumping on me. My eyes snap open seeing my four-year-old son, Alex, jumping on my stomach. I look at my little boy with sleep filled glaze.

Once he saw me awake he exclaims, "Mommy. Mommy get up. Daddy made pancakes. Pancakes, Mommy!"

Smiling at Alex, I wrap my arms around him and brought him into a tight hug to stop his jumping. When he stopped squirming around, I held him up and began blowing on his tummy. He began to giggle as he tried to get away from me by wiggling around in my arms but he couldn't.

"Stop Mommy! Stop! I won't jump again I promise," Alex shouted trying to get me to stop.

I let out an evil laugh, "Never!"

I kept laughing with Alex as I continued to tickle him. But soon we were interrupted when I felt another little body ram into me by the side. With my arms still around Alex, I drew the little body clinging to my side up into my arms. I looked down to see my little girl, Sarah, she was three but she still loved to hang on to me.

I heard footsteps enter the room and looked up. Blake was looking at the three of us with a huge smile on his face. He began to laugh at the sight of our two little monkeys hanging on me.

I stared at Blake noticing how he has changed from the person he was before we got married again. He had grown so much as a person and a father. I remember how he had grown from the boy who hurt me into a man who did everything to make up for the mistakes he had made. The old Blake wasn't ready to become a father but the new Blake did his best to be the best father for our kids.

I must have been in my world for too long because the next thing I know, I felt a kiss on my head. I looked up to see Blake standing in front of the bed leaning down towards me. I leaned back into him about the kiss him properly. As my lips met his, I felt the butterflies in my stomach come alive again and everything disappeared for a second.

That was until I heard two little voices scream "Eww" into my ear.

I quickly pulled away from Blake and looked at the two kids in between us. Their faces were turned up in disgust, I laughed with Blake at their faces before I pulled them away from me and put them on the floor.

Looking at them I said, "Pancakes are waiting for you downstairs."

With the mention of pancakes, Alex and Sarah ran out of the room and downstairs. I watched as their little feet carried them away before letting my eyes fall on Blake.

Blake smiled at me, "Go get ready. I will have everything and the kids ready by the time you come downstairs."

With those words, he left to get the kids ready. I sat on the bed as a smile grew on my face when I remember that Blake wanted us to go out and do something with the kids. I got up and got ready for the family outing.


Walking hand and hand with Blake we watched as Alex and Sarah ran down the hill to the small pond in the middle of the park.

Fearing they would get hurt I shout, "Alex, Sarah, stop running."

Blake squeezed my hand and leaned over towards me, "Lizzy, stop worrying."

I looked at Blake, "I can't. What happens if they get hurt?"

I turned back to our kids as Blake replied, "They are bound to get hurt. We can't always be there to save them, but we will always be here to heal them when they do get hurt."

I sighed knowing Blake was right, it was just hard for me to accepted that I couldn't protect them from everything in life. I watched the kids playing with the baby ducks by the pond while Blake pulled out a blanket from the picnic basket. He laid the blanket on the grass and we sat down on it.

Blake looked at me and smirked, "Now why are you sitting so far away from me."

I looked at him then back at the almost non-existing space in between us. I rolled my eyes and scooted over until my side was pressed into his. I looked up to Blake shaking his head.

"No," he said, "that won't do."

I was going to ask what he meant until I felt him grab my sides and lift me. I let out a gasp in shock but before I could scream at Blake to put me down he sat me down in front of him. He pulled me back and my back was pressed into his chest.

I leaned into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. I turned my face towards him wanting to know what he was thinking at this moment. Blake was staring at the kids with a look filled with happiness. There wasn't any more pain within both of us because we had filled these past five years with enough happiness to last a lifetime. The happiness we felt today overpowered any pain we felt in the past.

As I looked at Sarah and Alex, I knew it was worth it. The future we have ahead of us was worth it. The life we have today was worth saying yes when Blake asked me to marry him again. This moment was worth forgiving Blake for the past. He was worth it.

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