Chapter 14 (Part 1)

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Once I got home from the court, I went inside and took off my heels. The first place I went to was my bedroom to lay on my bed. I thought of everything that just happened in the last couple of hours.

I didn't have the time to process what was going on but now I did. I thought of my feelings towards Blake. When I walked into the courtroom, my heart was beating like it was going to burst out of my chest. I thought it was the nerves of seeing him again or the pain of looking at him and being reminding of all the pain he put me through.

But when I thought about it, I knew that wasn't the case. I still loved him, even after everything he put me through. Although I would never tell anyone, I didn't want anyone to know that because then they could tell Blake and give Blake the power to hurt me again.

I remember when he would never hurt me. When all he wanted was to give me was the world and treat me like a princess. That all changed when a man confronted me on my walk back home from work.


I worked as an executive for David Matthews in his business Matthews Corporations. I was working so I could afford a trip for Blake and me as a present for his birthday.

I was walking home at seven in the evening after a long day of meetings. As I turned a corner to get to our house, a man grabbed me. I started to scream, but the man covered my mouth.

"I have something that you won't like for the world to know about your husband, and you have something that I want. Now, I'm going to remove my hand and I will kill you if you scream."

I was going to run, but I had to know what he had about Blake. So I instead turned around to face him. He was a man in his forties; he was short and had a beer belly.

"What do you have on my husband? How did you even find me?" I started to shake, scared that he was going to hurt me.

"I have a couple of pictures of him with his mistresses, and I don't think you would want the world to see them. I know you care about your husband and I won't release them as long as you give me half a million dollars by the end of the month."

I didn't know how I was going to be able to get that amount of money in that little of time. But I knew I couldn't let the picture of Blake and his mistresses get out. Although Blake is cheating on me, I would do anything to protect him.

Especially since Blake is making a huge deal with another company. If the pictures come out, not only will he look bad in the media's mind, but the other companies will look down on Blake.

He wouldn't be able to make the deal with the company and that will greatly affect his business and those who are employed by the company. If I could do anything to prevent the pictures from being leaked, I would.

That's why I have to get the money. I can't let Blake know about this either. He would be worried about this and I know he has to focus on the deal. He worked so hard on this and spent so much time trying to seal this deal.

"Okay, I'll pay you the money just don't release the pictures. How will get the money to you and how will I know you will keep your end of the deal."

"I will contact you at the end of the month and tell you how. You will know if I keep my end of the deal. I only have one copy of the pictures and once I have my money, I will send the pictures to you and delete my copy. Then, you can do whatever you want with them."

He left me standing there wondering why he was doing this. I walked home trying to act as normal as possible in case Blake noticed something was wrong. But as always, he came home with one of his mistresses and went to his bedroom.

He didn't even look at me when he came inside. He didn't notice how I had tears dripping down my face.

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