Chapter 30

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(Elizabeth pov.)

I was sitting on my bed while checking my phone. I still hoped Blake would contact me wanting to talk, but I knew that wouldn't happen.

A week passed by with no word from Blake. He didn't make any attempt to call me or text me, but I couldn't blame him since I did not attempt to talk to him either.

I was losing hope that I would ever see him again. Not that I wanted to see him again.

My phone rang startling me out of my thoughts. I look down wondering who was calling. It was France calling me.

I didn't know if I should answer his call or not. I was avoiding France last week. He called me about a thousand times, but I haven't answered any of his calls.

I wasn't angry at him for what he did last week, leaving me alone with Blake. I wasn't happy with him, but I knew he was only keeping my happiness in mind.

I knew he was giving me space since at any time he could have just come to my house to see me, he did have a key. I knew he would eventually come to my house if I continued to ignore his call. I knew that, but I still didn't answer his call. Instead, I rejected his call.

I set my phone down on the side table and got up from the bed. I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top.

After putting on a thin layer of makeup, I went downstairs grabbing my keys and sunglasses. I walked to the garage and got in the car. Then, I drove to France's house.

I knew that if we were going to have this talk, then we were going to have it in person.


I walked inside his house after I park my car in the guest parking space.

I didn't know where France was, but I didn't have to think about it for much longer because I ran into his wife, Jenny.

She was walking out of the kitchen. I guess she was cleaning the kitchen since it was a little past lunchtime.

She was dressed casually like me. She was wearing jeans with a crop top. I knew she was taking a day off from work.

"Hey, Jenny. How was your day?" I asked her.

She looked surprised for a second but quickly got over it. I didn't even know why she still got surprised every time she saw me at her house.

"Elizabeth, I would ask why you were here but I already know the answer to it," She said shaking her head, "France is upstairs in our room. I think he's working, but you can go up anyways."

She replied walking to the kids' room probably to check on their boys, Ben and Vincent. I was glad she didn't try to start a conversation with me.

I would usually love to talk with her for hours on end, but today I just didn't feel up to it.

I walked up the stairs to France and Jenny's room. It was the first room by the stairs. I swear they only picked that room to make sure Ben and Vincent wouldn't try to sneak out. I don't know why France and Jenny would think they would. Ben is only nine while Vincent is thirteen.

I walked to his room to see if he was there. I knew he was since I could see the light on from the bottom of the door. That's when I got a brilliant idea.

I barged into the room, not caring if he could be naked. I mean we have already seen each other naked before. Not in that way, that came out wrong.

While I was in my depression state, France took care of me. I wouldn't want to do anything, I couldn't even take care of myself, I didn't want to. So he had to do it for me, he undressed me and bathed me when I couldn't make myself.

Meanwhile, I only saw France naked, well not naked. He was only half-naked. We were comfortable enough in front of each other that we could change in front of one another.

Even if we were comfortable with each other, I don't think his wife would be happy if I saw her husband naked in their room. That's why I was glad he was decent when I barged into his room.

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