Chapter 26

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(Blake's pov.)

I waited on the couch in the living room as Elizabeth went to get the pictures. I was trying to figure this mystery out. It was weird, how could David have pictures of me cheating weeks before I cheated.

My head was starting to hurt trying to figure out how this all ties into our marriage.

Our marriage and past were like a puzzle. It was broken into a million parts but the pieces wouldn't fit together. The pieces were scattered everywhere.

Every time we tried to put two pieces together, we would just ruin the sides of the pieces. The pieces would be broken into more pieces and the puzzle would be even harder to put together.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Elizabeth re-entered the room. She was carrying a folder that was labeled Blackmail.

I stared at the folder wondering why she kept a file on it. It was a long time ago and the police closed the case. Elizabeth was a suspect, but they determined she was innocent.

I waited for her to sit down. I gave her a chance to collect her thoughts and start the conversation, knowing that this was hard for her.

She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she looked down at the folder and opened it. She pulled out a couple of photos and put them on the table, sliding them towards me.

I looked at the pictures then at her. She nodded towards the pictures wanting me to look at them and I looked at the pictures again.

I was terrified. I didn't want to look at the pictures. Whatever they showed ruined my marriage, but I knew I had to figure this mystery out. I finally put my fears aside and picked up the pictures.

When I saw what the pictures showed, I was in shock. The pictures showed me having sex with many different women. I continued to flip through them but once I saw the next one I flipped even faster through the stack.

These pictures were taken before Elizabeth and I got married. It wasn't me cheating on her, but it looked like they were taken when we were married. He even got the dates to match his story.

I could see why Liz thought they were real. He had a professional do them. No one would be able to tell these were photoshopped, other than me. I was the only person who knew when these were actually taken.

I slammed the pictures on the coffee table and leaned forward putting my head in my hands. It was all a misunderstanding this whole time. I couldn't believe it.

I slammed my fist into the table causing it to crack. Liz jumped up out of her seat and came towards me. I held my hand up to signal her to sit back down and she did look away. She was probably scared by my reaction.

My fist hurt like hell, but I didn't feel the pain. My vision was red. All I wanted to do was find David and kill him. He was lucky he was already in jail and I couldn't get to him.

He played my wife and he played me. To top it all off, I was the idiot who fell for it.

I don't blame Elizabeth for thinking I was cheating on her. It wasn't her fault, it was all mine.

I was the one who cared more about my work than my new wife. I was the one who stayed long hours and didn't even make time for my wife. I was the one who forced her to be the perfect wife when I knew that wasn't what she wanted.

I didn't consider her feelings. I just expected her to be there for me when I wasn't there for her. She loved me even when I wouldn't give her the time of day.

I looked up at her and stared her in the eyes. I knew she could see my regret, my anger, and my pain. I wanted her to see what I was feeling because I knew she blamed herself for everything that went wrong.

I couldn't let her feel like it was her fault when right from the start, I was already ruining everything.

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