Chapter 16

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When he turned around and saw me, he froze too. We stood there staring at each other not knowing what was going on.

I looked away and turned towards France looking for an answer. He looked at me giving me a look that showed his sorrow. I stalked towards him and dragged him out of the room. As I dragged him upstairs to his office, all his family stopped to see what was going on.

They saw me and stared while whispering to each other. I knew by the shock on their face that they didn't know I was going here too. I looked at their face and saw that they didn't like me being here at all.

France let me drag him to his office without saying anything or trying to stop me from dragging him. I shoved him in the office and turned and locked the door. I took a deep breath before I turned around glaring at France.

"You're lucky it's your birthday or I swear I would have murdered you by now. You have exactly one minute to explain to me why Blake is here.

"I swear I didn't want to cause any drama or pain for you. It's just he is still my brother and it would be terrible to invite everyone but him."

"I get that, you deserve to have your family with you on your birthday. I'm not mad at you for having him here. I'm mad at you for not telling me about him being here. It would have been nice to have a heads up!" I yelled at him taking a seat on the couch.

He walked to me and sat on the couch beside me. He laid his head on my shoulder and sighed.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would react like this. I knew you would probably not have come if he was here. I also know that you can't keep running from him."

"I'm not running from him..." I tried to tell him leaning away from him so I could look at him.

"Yes, you are. You know that and I know that. But you know who doesn't know that? Blake doesn't know that and the more you run away from him the weaker you look. You know what I also know. You aren't weak and I'm not going to let him or anyone else sees you as weak because you aren't."

I lean back down on France and I shut my mouth letting France have the chance to talk.

"So for my birthday I just want one thing from you. I want you to spend my birthday with me and enjoy it. To not let Blake ruin that for not only you but also for me. You are one of the most important people in my life and my family is also important to me no matter how bad they have acted and continue to act. I want the people who are important to me to spend an important day with me," He stood and grabbed my hand. He dragged me off the couch and walked me to the door.

"Okay for your birthday I would do that for you. But remember if you try this again without letting me know. I will stab you and feed you to the pigs," I threatened him, letting him know how serious I was.

"Yes," he started to dance around the hallway as we walked back downstairs.

When we got downstairs, Jenny called to us letting me know everyone was already in the dining room waiting on us.

I walked inside the dining room with France close behind me. I immediately saw the glares from France's brothers and their mother. I knew I liked their dad; he was the only one who didn't hate me and want me to kill myself.

France also saw these glares.

"I invited you all here for one reason to have dinner with me on my birthday. If you can't respect Elizabeth for one night, then get the hell out!" He raised his voice to prove his point, "Do you understand?"

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