Chapter 29 (Part 2)

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I figured she would have picked a bedroom at the end of the hallway since she didn't pick the first one. I walked to the last door and turned the doorknob to find it unlocked. I opened the door and walked in.

I looked around the room trying to see if this was the right room. It looked like a girl's room, so I knew I was on the right track.

Even if this wasn't her room, I was going to let her rest here anyway. We were both tired, and she wouldn't like me dragging her around just to find a room.

I set her on the bed, taking off her heels to make her more comfortable. Once they were off, I tucked her in and slowly moved away from her bed.

As I was walking toward the door, something on the side table caught my eyes. It was a couple of pictures. I couldn't see them very well, so I moved closer to them wanting a closer look.

There were five framed pictures on one of her nightstands. Four of the pictures were recent because she looked older, more mature, and she had a hardened look to her. Though she looked happy in all of the photos.

One of the photos was of Elizabeth and Francisco at the beach. Francisco had his arms around her swinging her around in his arms. Elizabeth had a huge smile on her face and she was glowing.

The second one was Elizabeth with France and his family. It looked as if it was Christmas since their house was decorated with Christmas decorations. She was smiling, but she wasn't as happy as she was in the other photo.

The third one was Elizabeth and France in a room filled with paintings. I figured it was an art gallery because of the paintings and Elizabeth was dressed like she was on her way to a red carpet event. France had his arm thrown over her shoulder and they were smiling widely at the camera.

The final one was Elizabeth and James in his club. James was twirling Elizabeth around when the photo was taken. It was a perfect shot. Both her and James were facing towards the camera, they looked as if they were having an amazing time.

The only picture of the past she had was of her and me. The photo was of us when we were engaged, it was one of the happiest times we share.

I had asked her to attend a business ball with me and she had gladly accepted. We spent the whole time dancing and laughing. It was the most enjoyable ball I have attended.

We spent the whole night together falling even more in love than we were before. That was the last time we were so happy together.

Even our wedding day didn't make us as happy as that day. I regret not allowing Elizabeth to have the wedding of her dream, maybe then our wedding night would have been our happiest moment.

Instead of letting Elizabeth have her dream wedding, I made her have the wedding everyone expected of us. I made our wedding a business event instead of treasuring it for what it was, the day I would marry the love of my life.

I stared at the picture trying to make sense of it. Why would she have a picture of us after everything I did to her?

She had her happiest memories beside her every night, but she also had a memory that would only bring her pain.

I had no answer to my question, and I knew I wouldn't get an answer. I put the picture back on the table and looked at them once more before walking to the door.

I opened it and stepped out of the door before pausing. I turned to look at Elizabeth looking so peaceful sleeping before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

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