Chapter 9

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We got to the place the interview was taking place. France parked the car, and we got out walking into the building. He grabbed my hand since he knew I was nervous about having an interview with my ex-husband.

"Hey," France pulled my hand to stop me and turned me to face him.

"Remember I'm going to be by your side the whole time. He can't do anything to you now. He wouldn't even recognize you. You are so much more beautiful than you were while married to him and so much stronger. He only has as much power over you as you give him, No more and no less. So please, show him the strong girl that I have grown to know and love," France ranted as he pulling me into a hug.

We stood there until I pulled away wiping a couple of tears away.

"I'm fine. I've seen him before and we have talked to each other. This can't be much different."

"Don't lie to me. We both know this is different. It's just the five of us but remember I'll always be there if you need me."

" I know, thank you. Now let's get inside, the interview is about to start. All this sappiness is overwhelming me. Save all you sappy lines for your wife," I joked playfully bumping his shoulder.

He laughed and lead me inside.


We were led to the stage and James Corden welcomed us. I looked at the couch behind Corden and saw Blake and his other brother Zack already sitting on one end of the couch. James was also already sitting down on the opposite side of the couch from Blake and Zach.

As I walked towards the couch, Blake, Zach, and James stood up. Blake, Zack, and I greeted each other but didn't touch each other. I was glad we didn't because I didn't know if I could take touching Blake. Even if it's something as simple as a handshake or a hug.

I walked towards James with a huge smile. James grabbed me into a hug swinging me around like he hasn't seen me in years. That made me laugh. I think he did that because he knew how hard this was for me.

France sat down between Zach and me without greeting his brothers. He hasn't had a great bond with his brothers after finding out what Blake did to me while we were married and after we got a divorce.

I zoned out as Corden introduced each of us and started to talk about Blake's successful multi-billion dollar industry. Then, he went on to Zach taking over his father's company.

I stopped paying attention until I noticed there was silence and everyone was looking at me.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that please," I said embarrassed at being caught not paying attention.

Everyone laughed and Corden repeated what he said.

"So I heard your art collection was very successful. Everyone is wondering when you are going to create a more personal collection."

"I'm not. I like to paint for others. But my more personal pieces, I only like to share with the people closest to me."

"I'm mad, I thought we were close. Not since I haven't seen a personal piece," he said playfully.

"I'm sorry. I'll be sure to bring a piece when I come back on your show," I with a fake sense of sorrow.

"You better... Now on to more juicy gossip," He began.

I knew he was going to bring up my night out. By morning, it was all people talked about. Whether it was my outfit or my dance moves.

"So a little birdy told me you went to the club last night and I have some pictures of you dancing. James and Francisco went with you too. Now I'm wondering why I wasn't invited"

"I'm wondering that too. Why did you not invite me and Blake," asked Zach as he turned towards his brother, " you were surrounded by gorgeous women and you kept them all to yourself?

James stood up and gave Blake and Zach a hug as if showing them his sympathy.

" I know how you feel, " he looked towards France, James, and me, "how dare you guys"

While the crowd was still laughing, he directed the topic back to the club.

" Back on topic now. Rose, you looked fantastic," Corden showed the picture of me at the club on the stage.

"Don't you agree?" He asked the crowd.

They screamed their yes and I even heard some catcalls. They keep continuing as Corden tried to calm them.

"I didn't hear any of you," he turned around looking at the boys sitting next to me.

They all gave their approval, making me blush.

"Alright, now to the real questions," he looked at me leaning towards me looking serious.

" Where did you get those dance moves?"

"Well, my best friend is the owner of a successful club, so I have to be a good dancer," I laughed out the small white lie I told.

That's how he continued the interview. I started to relax, thinking I was worried about this interview for nothing. He didn't ask about our pasts or talked about our relationships, but it didn't stay that way.

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