Chapter 25

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"I thought you cheated on me," Blake said interrupting the almost peaceful atmosphere.

I stood up. "How dare you! Just because you cheated on me doesn't mean I cheated on you. Not everyone is a scumbag."

I yelled at him. I couldn't believe he could accuse me of cheating. I was loyal to him.

He stood up too, towering over me. He glared at me trying to make me submit to him. In the past, I would have bowed down to him and I would have listened to anything he said.

Now, I felt myself straightening my form even more. I glared right back at him. We glared at each other until Blake sighed and sat down.

I glared at him for a couple more seconds to see if he would react. He didn't, he just stared at me. I sat back down uncomfortable with his eyes on me.

"Let me explain," he said as calmly as possible.

My first thought was hell no! Then, I took a minute to think about his request.

Before this, I didn't want to know why he treated me like crap. But now, I did want to know why he was so harsh towards me at the end of our marriage.

I decided to give him his chance to speak. He gave me a chance to tell my side. Now it's time to let him tell his side.

"I thought you cheated on me. You were always gone and avoided the questions I had. You wanted to spend extra hours for work when I had enough money for us. You were also secretive and acted scared of your own shadow like someone would pop out of thin air and tell me your secrets. Don't you see why I thought you were cheating on me?"

He asked the questions like he didn't know the answers to them. He must not have been listening to me while I talked because I already explained this to him.

I was going to tell him that he would know the answers if he was listening. Instead of telling him that, I keep quiet. I was thankful for my decision because he started to talk again.

"I understand now because you explained it. But I still don't understand how the blackmailer blackmailed you, I didn't start cheating until later on. You said he blackmailed you more than a month before my birthday. I didn't cheat on you until a week or two before my birthday."

Now, I was confused too. I was blackmailed with pictures of Blake cheating on me and now Blake was saying he didn't cheat on me at that time.

"David showed me pictures of you cheating. I even had them checked to see if they were photoshopped but they weren't."

He looked confused too. I guess we both didn't know what happened. How did David blackmail me if Blake didn't cheat on me?

"Do you have any of the pictures he used against me?" Blake asked as the thought popped into his head.

I thought of it for a second. I realized I keep the photos just in case. It was in the folder with all the documents from the blackmailing case.

"I do. Let me grab them. Stay here."

I got up going into my bedroom after making sure Blake didn't follow me. I opened my bedside table and pulled the secret bottom-up and reached inside.

I grabbed the key that was in there then walked to my art room. I unlocked the art room and looked inside. Nothing was out of place so I walked to a painting, one of the beaches France took me to, on the wall.

I took the painting off the wall and saw the safe. I put the password in and placed my hand on it for the hand scanner. It unlocked, and I looked inside.

It was just as I left it the last time I had to unlock it. I grabbed the folder labeled blackmail. I locked the safe and hung up the painting again. I walked out of the room and locked it again.

I walked back into the living room. As I walked into the room, I started to wonder if the whole thing was a lie.

It made me wonder if I was the one who ruined everything. If I made a mistake that cost us our marriage and our happiness.

I shook my head. For now, I choose to believe that I didn't play a major part in our divorce and our broken relationship.

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