Chapter 22

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Blake's expressions now and then are different. I caught Blake's expression right before he looked down. He looked down quickly like he didn't want me to see his expression.

I saw the guilt and the sorrow in his eyes. I don't understand why he looked so guilty. He didn't even look guilty when I caught him three years ago.

"I eventually fell asleep I guess because the next thing I know. I woke up cold and shivering to a ringing. It was my boss calling to tell me I was late. I got up."

"From that day on I continued to get up. That's all I did, I got up but didn't feel. It was like a routine. You came home the next day and you acted like everything was fine. It broke my heart to see you with that woman but it broke my heart, even more, to see you acting like it was nothing."

He started to talk but I interrupted him before he said anything.

"Let's go to my house. If we're going to talk about this we shouldn't be here. I don't want to be in France's house, because I don't want France and Jenny to come home to their house wrecked."

He nodded, "Give me your address."

I shook my head, "We'll take your car and I'll give you directions."

"What about your car? How are you going to get it?" He asked like he cared.

"I can get a taxi to drive me back here tomorrow."

We cleaned the rest of our mess and walked out of the house locking it behind us. He walked to a car unlocking it.

I loved the car, but I wasn't going to admit it to Blake. I got in the car, and Blake drove while I gave him directions.


(Blake's pov.)

We walked into her house. I wasn't paying attention to the main part of her house because my thoughts were occupied with what Elizabeth said in France's house.

I knew she was nowhere near close to done with her story. When she was telling her side of the story on how the events went, how she felt. It felt like a thousand knives piercing through my heart.

I didn't want to admit it, but I still cared about her. I loved her when she betrayed me and I loved her even when she hurt me.

I came out of my thoughts when she leads me to the living room and stopped. I finally looked around her house, well only the living room I guess.

I looked around and saw it was completely bare. She had furniture and pictures hanging but it didn't look anything like what I thought it would.

When we were together, she would personalize every room. She had one look at my mansion when we were together and told me if we ever got married the mansion would be her priority. She said it didn't look like home. I wasn't living in a home. I was just a person living in a house.

So when we got married, she made it feel like home. She hung up pictures of us and our families. She added personal details in every room and when she was done, it looked like people live in it.

It was one of the things I love about her. How she made everything feel like home. She made me want to come home when before I used to dread coming back to an empty house.

But her house looked like she just moved in and the house was already furnished when she got her. There was nothing personal.

She had a couple of pictures of Jenny, France, Jay, and her but other than that she had nothing. No flowers, no paintings, no decorations. It's like she didn't live here.

She was different from the woman I married. That's when I finally realized, she was broken and I knew I was the one who broke her.

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