Chapter 33 (Part 1)

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I woke up the morning after France called last night. I woke up late around ten in the morning. As I lay in bed, I thought about how I didn't know what to do with my day. I had no work to do and I knew I didn't have enough time to start a new painting.

I got up to go to my closet thinking I could waste time by looking for an outfit for tonight. I knew I wanted something fancy because the restaurant was upscale, but I also wanted an outfit that didn't scream here for business. But as I looked for an outfit, I couldn't find anything to wear. All my dresses were fancy business dresses.

I got it, I'll just go shopping. I mean I have nothing better to do. I changed out of my PJs and changed into a pair of leggings with a crop top and a pair of flats. I was going to take a shower but decided against it. I wasn't going to shower yet. I knew I had to shower later before going to dinner anyway, so why would I shower twice.

I cleaned my bedroom before leaving to go to the mall. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't leave my room a mess if I went somewhere. I guess I just didn't like coming back from a long day and not having my bed made.

I left the house around eleven and got to the mall at eleven-thirty, giving me five hours to find a dress. That also gave me time to get back home to change and drive to the restaurant.

When I arrived at the mall, I immediately went to the first store I saw. I search through the racks for what seemed like hours but was only thirty minutes and still couldn't find a dress. I walked out of the store defeated but still knew that I had to find a dress. So, I went into the next store continuing my search.

I went to one store than another then another. Like the other stores, I just couldn't find anything that I liked and that was appropriate for a dinner with a friend. But I continued to search the store upon the store and still couldn't find a dress.

I went to the last store in the mall, a store that only sold dresses. I hoped that this would be the store that I would find a dress because I was tired and my feet hurt like hell.

I walked into the store and was immediately greeted by one of the shop assistants. She asked me if I needed help, but I said I was just looking. She left me alone after sending me a smile.

When she was out of my sight, I searched the ranks wondering how many dresses I have looked at today. After today, I don't think I want to look at one more dress ever again.

As I looked through the racks, I saw a couple of pretty dresses but they weren't the one. You know when you see a dress and just know that it is the right one.

I was about to give up and leave the store and possibly the mall when I saw a beautiful black dress. I pulled it from the rack it was on to take a better look at it. It was gorgeous. It was a long dress with a long slit on the side, and part of the back was open. It was mostly black but had a silvery design to it.

I knew I had to wear this dress. I found my size and went to the fitting room to try it one. I tried it on and it fit perfectly highlighting all my curves. If there was a chance I wasn't going to buy it before I tried it on, then when I tried it I had no doubts that I was going to buy it.

I paid for the dress then got back in my car to head home. I arrived home at four forty meaning I spent almost six hours at the mall. I hated shopping and yet one dinner could cause me to go shopping for six hours.

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