Chapter 15

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(Back to the present)

It's the worst thing ever hearing an alarm in the morning especially when it's a Saturday. I got up early because it was France's birthday today.

Like the smart person I was, I waited for the day of France's birthday to go out and shop for his present. I had to stop by the studio to deliver an art piece to a client before I could go to the mall to buy him something.

I turned off the alarm and slowly crawled out of bed. I'm surprised I could even get out of bed.

I went to the bathroom, stripped off my clothes, and got in the shower. After I finished my shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked to my walk-in closet. I picked out a simple outfit knowing I would have to change after going to the mall.

I got in my car and drove to my art studio/gallery. Although I mostly worked at home, when I did business I had my clients come to my studio instead of coming to my house.

I got there and my client was already there waiting for me. Once I let him inside, I got the paintings he requested. He paid for them and he left while I was locking the studio up.

I walked to my car and drove to the mall, where I spent the next two hours looking around trying to find something to buy him. I bought him a couple of suits from Alfani. I wanted to see his expression when I gave him the suits. I knew he wanted a personal gift more than an expensive gift.

I was going to see his reaction and laugh before I gave him his real gift. I painted him a picture of him and me. Also, I painted two pictures of his wife and him on his wedding day. I finally painted two portraits of him, so he could put in his office.

The portraits were also a joke I am going to play with him. I knew he didn't like when people put portraits of themselves in their offices. He said he would never be that person, so I was going to make him be that person.

I drove home from the mall and walked inside my house once I got there. I dropped my heels and carried the suits to the couch so I could grab them on my way out. I then walked to my art room where the paintings were. There, I laid down a couple of sheets of brown wrapping paper and started to wrap the paintings up.

Once they were wrapped up, I tied them all together so it would be easier to carry. I took them to the living room and laid them on the floor by the suits.

I looked at the time, noticing how it was four. Then, I walked to my bedroom to get ready since France's birthday dinner was at six in the evening. I walked to my closet and changed into the red knee lengthed dress that was hanging up.

I curled my hair and started on my makeup. Once I was finished, I grabbed a pair of black heels along with my purse. I checked the time as I walked by the kitchen. It was five-thirty, so I carried the suits and the paintings to the car loading them in the back.

Leaving my house, I drove to France's house. I parked the car in his garage since he had an extra, guest parking space. I got out of the car and carried the suits inside. I left the paintings as I knew I would come to get the paintings later when I would show him his real presents.

I walked to the kitchen hearing a lot of people talking. I thought it was weird since France didn't mention anyone else attending the dinner with us. As I walked into the kitchen, I saw France's whole family there. I stopped where I was, not because of France's family. It was to be expected.

No, what stopped me was seeing Blake standing there and as he turned around I didn't know what to do.

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