Chapter 11

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We got through the interview and walked off the stage. James and France tried to convince me to have dinner with them or to hang out with them, but I told them I just wanted to be alone.

They weren't going to leave since they didn't know if I was going to hurt myself. I finally convinced them I was fine and France drove me home. He dropped me off and finally left when he was sure I was okay and wasn't going to do something stupid.

I was okay, the interview was a shock but I'm not going to hurt myself over him. I tried to before and learned the only person I'm hurting are the people who love me. Blake certainly doesn't care or love me.

I walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. I made a bowl of chicken salad and took it to the living room to eat. Sitting down, I watched the first movie I saw.

When I finished eating, I cleaned up and walked to my room. Sitting down to check my emails on my computer, I saw one from my lawyer.

I clicked on the email. He said that I had to attend a court hearing to pay back the money that Blake claims I stole from him.

I forgot all about that. When Blake and I were going through the divorce, he made us attend a court session to discuss all the money of Blake's he claims I took and hid in another account. Blake wanted me to pay it all back.

At the time, everyone knew I couldn't because I didn't have two million dollars. Somehow my lawyer was able to work out a deal of paying back the money within a ten-year time span, which Blake's lawyers agreed to. Thus, the court session was over.

In the beginning, that was the only thing I could worry about. I didn't know how to take care of my daughter, after she was born, and pay off the money. But since my baby died, I didn't care about the money and I eventually forgot about it.

I knew I have to go to the court and I have enough money to pay it back but once I get there Blake will see me as I look like now. That's what I've tried to avoid this whole time. I don't what him to know who I am, because he will make my life miserable again.

But I knew I have to pay the money back. When I asked for my name to change the judge granted me that on the condition that I would still have to pay back all my debts to Blake. At the time I agreed but knew there was no way I could.

I knew this would happen eventually. Someone would find out and tell Blake or somehow he would connect all the dots.

So I send an email to my lawyer that I will attend the court session and will pay back the debts. I also told him I had a few conditions of my own before I give Blake the money he wanted.

He sent an email to me a couple of minutes later. His response was the date of the hearing, which was in a week at three o'clock. He also said the judge would hear me out and determine if my condition was reasonable or not.

I texted James and France to let them know what was going on. A second later they started to send me messages and when I didn't answer they started to call me.

I turned off my phone and lay down on my bed. Trying to fall asleep but all that was in my mind was what would my life be like after the court hearing. Also, how would Blake react to seeing me again after so many years?

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