Chapter 35

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I smiled sitting back in my chair. He didn't know anything and when he finds out what this scared little girl has been though he would regret ever thinking that.

I smirked, "Your right. I was a scared little girl."

He looked at me confused. Probably wondering why I wasn't offended and angry by his comment.

"The key word in that sentence was: was. I was scared. I was weak. But now I'm not scared and I'm not weak."

Blake shook his head, "You don't need to pretend with me. I know you better than you know yourself."

I was going to walk away, but I wasn't going to leave and let him think that of me. I was going to set him straight and if I still wanted to leave, I would.

"You know nothing about me," I said not continuing.

Blake sighed, "Then tell me what I don't know."

"First," I said, "Let's finish our meal before we start talking about the heavy stuff."

We dug into the food. We ate as we carried on with a light conversation. We talked about the basics: new movies, news, and business topics.

We continued like that until we were down with our food. As I took the last bite of my food, I knew I had to answer him. Blake only confirmed this as he shot me a look. I sighed and nodded.

"Let's play a game," I said.

"You know I don't like games, and I don't have time to play your games. Just tell me what I don't know," Blake tried to argue but I wasn't having any of that.

"If you want answers then you will play the game."

He nodded, telling me to continue with my game.

"We will play twenty questions. We can ask anything we want, but you have to answer honestly. You can answer the question as detailed as you want, or as vague as you want. As long as you answer the question."

I looked at him, "Deal?"

I asked holding out my hand for him to shake. He looked at it for a second debating this deal.

"Deal," he said shaking my outstretched hand.

He picked up his glass downing it. He poured another glass then smirked at me. I knew I was in trouble. Even though I didn't want to answer any questions, I knew this was the only way I would get any answers from Blake.

He continued to smirk, "Since we do have a deal now I'll ask the first question."

He stopped smiling, "You told the police years ago. If you remember that is. You spent months making the money to pay off the blackmailer. Why did you never tell me about it?"

He shook his head like he couldn't believe it. Like he couldn't believe that I would risk everything just to protect him. Little did he know that at the time I would have done anything for him.

"I never told you because I couldn't. I couldn't do that to you. You were already too stressed out about the major deal you were in the middle of. I knew you didn't need anything else on your plate. I thought I could deal with it myself without having to drag you into it."

As I continued to talk, I slowly turned away from him. I didn't want to look in his eyes as I said it. I didn't want him to see the emotion behind my eyes, behind my side of the story.

Blake looked shocked, "You should have just told me. Why didn't you tell me?"

I smirked, "Now isn't that two questions. That's a little rude, shouldn't I be allowed to ask a question. I mean that is how the game works."

I continued to smirk as I sat back in my seat crossing my legs. I caught Blake look at my legs as I crossed them. I wiped the emotion off my face as I held back another smirk. It looked like I still affected him.

Although I tried to hide the smirk, Blake caught the hint of the smirk on the corner of my lips. He glared at me for a second before smirking. That caused me to drop my confident attitude. He had something up his sleeve.

He reached over towards me wearing a confident smirk on his face. I stopped breathing as he touched my face. I felt his touch for the first time after so many years.

He made everything around us disappear. I saw nothing but him. I thought I had erased him from my memory. I thought I had erased our relationship from my memory. I thought I had erased him from my heart, but I was wrong.

I couldn't erase him from my heart or my memory. His touch would always affect me no matter how much I wished it didn't.

So as he touched me, I closed my eyes. It brought back all the memories of the time we loved each other.

I felt tears in my eyes as I felt his hand resting on my cheek. I keep my eyes closed trying to conceal my emotions before I opened them. But as I opened my eyes, I knew I didn't do a good job.

I caught Blake's eyes as soon as I opened mine. I knew he saw all the emotions I tried to bury a long time ago. He saw everything that I tried to hide.

I had tried to act like a strong woman, but I wasn't. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't fool Blake. He knew me better than anyone else. He saw right through me, right through my façade.

Blake stared into my eyes and saw the real me. He didn't see the strong business woman I wanted everyone to see, he saw the weak woman who lost everything she cared about. He saw the woman who struggled every day.

So as he looked into my eyes, I showed him everything I couldn't tell him. No words can describe the feelings between us. No one could know the feeling I had as I glazed into his eyes.

Because as I looked into his eyes, I saw them soften as he saw my pain. As I looked at him, I didn't see the cold business man who broke me. I saw the loving, funny, caring man I fell madly in love with.

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