Chapter 34

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Blake sat there in shock, while I stood by the table also in shock. I looked at Blake then turned and looked at the waiter. The waiter just stared at me and shrugged not knowing what was happening. He turned around and walked away after a final glance my way.

I was trying to understand what was happening. Why was Blake here? I was supposed to meet France here, and now Blake was here.

I frowned as I finally figured out the answer to my question. France had planned this out. He wanted us to talk and now he was going to make us talk.

I could leave the restaurant, but I am not that childish. I knew we have to talk and now that the chance was right in front of me, I was going to take up the chance.

I glanced toward Blake trying to see what he thought of all this. When I looked at him, he was still in shock but now he was standing.

I walked to the table and gestured for him to sit. He did and I took a seat on the other side of the table. He made a move to start talking, but I motioned for him to stop since I saw the waiter coming.

The waiter said, "Hello, my name is Sam and I will be your waiter for the night. Is there anything I could get for you? Anything to drink?"

I nodded without looking at Blake, "Can we have the bottle of 2009 La Rosa, Spain?"

He wrote it down, "Fortunately we had that exact bottle here. Is there anything else you would like?"

"No, just that right now. We will order when you come back," I replied.

"Okay I'll have that brought right over," he said turning around and walking away.

When he was far enough away, I turned to Blake. He finally looked as if he was back in the real world. I picked up the menu and looked at the choices they had for dinner.

"The food looks good here. I was thinking of getting the streak and maybe some soup to go with it." I trailed off continuing to look at the menu.

Blake reached over and threw the menu down.

"What the hell is going on? Why are you even here? I was supposed to meet France here. But instead of seeing France who is beyond late, I see you."

I looked at him like he was stupid, "Don't you see Blake, France set us up. He told both of us to meet him here to have dinner, but he wasn't coming."

It was his turn to look at me like I was stupid, "Why would he do that?"

I was going to answer, but the waiter returned with the wine. He set the bottle of wine down along with two glasses. He poured the wine placing each glass in front of each of us.

Once he was done pouring the wine, he pulled out a note pad ready to take our orders.

"Are you ready to place an order?" he asked ready to write our order down.

"Yes. Can I have the streak, well done with fries and a bowl of the fruit salad? I would also like the soup from today's special. Thank you."

I handed him the menu. Waiting for Blake to order, but he just stared at me.

I raised my eyebrow, "Well Blake, aren't you going to order something. It would be a little awkward to eat by myself. Wouldn't it?"

He turned to the waiter, "Can I have the streak, medium well with the baked potato."

He handed the menu to the waiter, turning towards me again dismissing the waiter. Sam left putting in our orders.

Blake said, "So France set us up. I don't know why though, it's not like we have anything to say to each other."

"We might not have anything to say to one another, but France thinks we do so let's talk. I'm not saying it has to have anything to do with our past, but just about anything. Trust me. I don't want to be here just as much as you don't. But I need to do this for France, I owe him that much."

"You don't owe him anything! What has he done for you? Nothing. He's my brother, not yours," he exclaimed.

I started to turn angry, "What the hell? If you are just going to sit here and disrespect me then I'm gonna leave and forget that I owe France anything!"

Blake got up slamming his hands on the table causing everyone in the restaurant to turn towards us. I just waved them off smiling to try to get them to stop looking at us.

"You owe him nothing. You want to leave, you leave. If you're going to stay, then stay because you want to."

I continued to smile and said with the most venom in my voice, "You know nothing. You think you know everything about me right!"

"Of course I do. I was with you for three years. I know everything about you. So what if I haven't seen you in two years. You haven't changed. You can change your looks but you can't change the girl you were when I married you."

That pissed me off, he thought he knew everything but he didn't.

"You know everything right." I paused waiting for his reply.

I was trying to calm myself down. I hoped that he would be smart and say something that wouldn't piss me off. But he didn't do the smart thing, he said something very stupid.

He looked me straight in the eyes and replied, "You are the same weak and scared little girl."

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