Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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The morning that I was scheduled to be in court, I had to go to a mini art showcase. So after I took a shower, I looked for something in my closet that was appropriate for an art showcase and appropriate enough to go to court in.

I finally found a blue jumpsuit with some blue heels. I did a smokey eyeshadow and some pink lip gloss. I left my apartment and got into my Mercedes and drove to the art showcase.


As I walk into the courthouse, I get a sense deja vu and as I look closely at the court I knew why. This is the same court we went to for the divorce. Blake has a sick sense of humor. He wants to be reunited in the place that ended us.

I walked into the court and looked around to see if Blake was there. He wasn't so I walked towards the courtroom. When I got there, I paused and took a deep breath before opening it.


(Blake's pov.)

I heard the door open and turned around thinking it was going to be Elizabeth, my ex-wife. But I saw a hot light brown-haired woman in a blue jumpsuit. Although she looks hot, I don't know if that outfit is appropriate for a person to wear in court.

I stared at her wondering what she was doing here, but then again she's probably Elizabeth's lawyer. If she wasn't working for my slut of an ex I would probably bang her, but I'm not going to stoop that low, unfortunately.

She walked up to the judge saying how sorry she was for being later. I wondered why she did that. Her client wasn't even here, she doesn't need to apologize.

Though Elizabeth needs to be here because she's twenty minutes late. She knows I'm busy trying to run my business, but then again she wouldn't care. She never has and never will.

I watched the lawyer walk over to my brother, France, who was sitting on my ex's side. She hugged France and James and was confident as she talked to them.

Then it clicked in my mind, she is the successful artist everyone is talking about, Rose Matthews, I remember her from the interview we had. It's weird because we have a similar past and we were both here. Though I cannot understand what an artist is doing here, I came out of my thoughts when the judge cleared his throat.

The judge said, "Now that Elizabeth Bell is here we can start."

When he said that it confused me. I don't see my ex-wife, the only girl I see here is Rose, not Elizabeth. I was going to ask what he meant but he started speaking again.

"Elizabeth Bell you have a debt of two million dollars to be paid to Blake Daniels. Do you have the money."

" I do," replied Rose.

That's when I realized, Rose Matthews was Elizabeth Bell, my ex-wife.

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