Chapter 8

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I woke up, not only to a hung hangover but to a ringing. I waited for it to turn off, but it continued to buzz and buzz and buzz.

" Turn your fucking phone off James it's too early for that!" I shouted half asleep.

I heard him get out of bed and stumble around for a couple of minutes. He started to curse, and he threw something at me.

" Idiot! It was your phone, now fucking answer it. I'm going back to bed."

I got up and looked for it. It was right beside me, so that was the object he threw at me. I looked to see James already asleep.

" What the fuck do you want. It's like six in the morning."

" Hello to you too beautiful. It's seven and you need to get the fuck outside. Get dressed and come down. I'm parked outside with a cup of coffee and some clothes."

I started to ask why France was here but he hung up. I knew it had to be important since it was a Saturday. He should be spending time with his wife since he didn't have work. But instead, he was here.

I got dressed in yesterday's outfit. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair, then I gathered my stuff and walked outside.

When France saw me, he rolled down the window and told me to get in the back. I didn't question him and got in the back. When I sat down, he tossed me a bag and told me to get dressed.

"What are these for? I can get dressed at my place," I whispered even more confused.

"We don't have time to go back to your place. I grabbed an outfit from Jenny's closet. Get dressed and I'll explain everything after."

Now it made sense why he told me to get in the back, so it would give me more room to change. I've had to change in his car so many different times that he eventually got a car with dark tinted windows.

I looked in the bag and saw a back jumpsuit with a makeup bag. I'm glad he got an outfit that was easy to wear because I don't think I would have the patience today to wear something with multiple pieces.

I put it on and took the makeup bag. I tried to do a smokey effect on my eyes. I look in the mirror, and it looked kind of right. Then, I applied some bright red lipstick. I also found silver dangly earrings and a couple of silver rings. I looked back into the bag and discovered some black high heels and put them on.

I shoved all of my previous clothes into the bag along with my heels. I put the bag on the seat and climb into the passenger seat. I surprised France which made him jump and start cursing. This only caused me to burst out laughing, but I stopped as it made my headache worse.

He was the one laughing now, and I punched him in the arm. Reaching in the glove compartment for the Advil I knew was there, I found it and popped a pull in my mouth. I swallowed it by itself since I didn't see any drink in the car.

"Okay, tell me what was so important you had to drag my hungover ass with you. Seriously, it is only eight o'clock on a Saturday."

"You need to go to an interview," He hesitated to continue.

"So," I drew the words out,

"Can't you schedule it for a different time?" I asked wondering why he wasn't telling me the whole truth.

"This interview is different," he shook his head, "we can't schedule it at a different time. You are going to be interviewed by a group of other people."

" Who? You? James?" I asked still confused.

"Yes, both of us will be there," he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"If you don't fucking tell me in five... four..." I started to threaten him.

" My brother is going to be there," He spits out gripping the steering wheel till his hands turn white.

It was my turn to turn white. I felt all the color drain from my face. If this wasn't serious, I would have laughed at the look that was bound to be on my face right now. It probably resembled a ghost.

"Please, repeat that. I think I heard you wrong," I tried to wrap my head around what he just said.

"Blake is going to be there." He explained slowly while reaching for my hand.

That's when I finally processed what he said. If I was standing, I would have fallen. It felt as if my whole world would fall around me at that moment.

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