Chapter 27

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(Elizabeth's pov.)

I didn't know what to expect when I showed Blake the pictures. I knew I expected anger, but I didn't expect him to slam his fist into my glass coffee table, cracking it.

He looked shocked at first like he never saw these pictures before. Then he looked pissed, I didn't know if it was towards me or David. I hope it's towards David because Blake looked like he could kill someone.

He stopped and stared at nothing for a while before turning and looking at me. I stared into his eyes and saw what I thought was regret, sadness, and anger but not directed at me.

I didn't know why he was sad and regretful. But I was right, his anger wasn't directed at me.

He sighed looking away from me and back at the pictures. He was holding the pictures after he punched the table and was holding it tightly in his grip. He set the pictures on the table, sliding them back towards me.

"These pictures weren't of me cheating on you," he said.

He didn't explain more and that made me more confused. If he didn't cheat on me then what about the pictures. He must have read my mind or saw the confused expression on my face because he started to explain.

"I didn't cheat on you when David said I did. I admit I cheated on you but that was after he blackmailed you. Though I did have sex with these girls."

Everything he was saying confused me even more. None of what he said made sense. If he had sex with these girls, doesn't that mean he cheated with me? I hated how blunt he was with me, stating how he had sex with those girls.

"I did have sex with them, but I didn't cheat on you during that time. I had sex with these girls before we were married. You already knew I was a player before I meet you. David had the dates switched."

I shook my head. David didn't switch the dates. I even had someone I knew check them. Even though he wasn't a professional, he was good enough to see if the pictures were photoshopped. The guy even had a couple of people he knew to check them too and they agreed the pictures were real.

"David had a professional do it. It was done perfectly if you checked them out you wouldn't be able to tell they were fake. The only person who would know it was fake would be me. He knew you wouldn't confront me on the pictures and he knew that, so he used that against us.

I got up and Blake tried to grab my arm to make sit down again but I didn't. I walked to the windows and stared out the window lost in thought.

Blake couldn't be telling the truth. The pictures had to be real or else I had to accept that they were fake. They couldn't be real, that would mean that David ruined everything.

"You're lying. I made sure they were real. I had multiple people confirm they were real."

I saw his reflection in the glass. He stood up walking towards me until he stood directly behind me.

"I wasn't lying. I don't have a reason to lie. I have always told the truth to you. I may have avoided answering your questions sometimes, but I have never lied to you."

We stood there staring at each other, daring each other to say something. I was the first to turn away, thinking about what he said.

He was right, why would he lie to me. He had no reason to. He had always told me the truth, even if he knew he would hurt me.

It broke my heart finally knowing the truth. I felt my heart break into another million pieces. I finally accepted that David didn't just ruin my life. He ruined Blake's too. He ruined our life.

I thought of everything that was ruined because of the photos. I finally realized how much I messed up. I always thought Blake destroyed our marriage but now I realize I was the one who destroyed it.

As that thought processed in my mind, I knew how true it was. It all hit me at once, every decision I made was affected by the picture. My whole life was affected. I affected Blake's life through these decisions.

It hurt to think that I ruined everything. I took our happy ever after away.

It felt like a train hit me and after it hit me I was drowning. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see past all the memories and how they could have been different.

Through that haze, I caught Blake's eyes staring at me. At that moment, I allowed myself to do something that I haven't done in months. Something I promised myself I wouldn't allow myself to do in front of anyone ever again.

I broke down in tears. But unlike every other time, I wasn't alone. Blake was there with me.

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