Chapter 37

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I slammed the door of my car shut. I locked the car as I stared at the scene before me. It looked just like it did two, almost three years. It was dark outside, but I could still see everything.

I lost all the breath in my body as I saw the scene before me. It was still as beautiful as ever. It was a meadow of grass and flowers, right on the edge of a cliff.

The grass was as if someone watered it every day. The meadow was surrounded by flowers, all types of beautiful flowers. I smiled as I saw them. The flowers reminded me of Blake.

I remember when he used to give me bouquets. He used to say how there wasn't anything as beautiful as I was, but the flowers in the meadow were the closest thing to my beauty.

I felt a gush of wind causing me to snap out of it. I closed my eyes while smiling as I heard the rushing of the waves below the cliff. We used to come here to relieve everyday stress or when we needed time by ourselves.

I remember sitting on the edge of the cliff with Blake. We used to sit in peaceful silence, staring out into the ocean. When everything in life went wrong, we would come here and life would feel right again. It was our little piece of paradise in a world filled with demons.

I just stared out into the meadow. This meadow defined us. It was a part of us. Whenever we fought, this was the place we could go to make everything right again.

I feel down on my knees as a memory hit me.


Beautiful that is what I thought as I stared at the meadow.

I turned towards Blake with a huge grin on my face, "This is beautiful. How did you find it?"

I knew we were supposed to be fighting, but I couldn't help myself. How could I keep fighting when he went out of his way to show me something so beautiful? Blake had been so nice to me. He made sure I felt like a queen every second since he told me he had to take me somewhere.

Blake grabbed my hands smiling his gorgeous smile, the one that few had the privilege to see. I was beyond glad that I was one of those people. I was supposed to be mad at him, but I couldn't.

He was trying so hard to get me to forgive him. I had forgiven him since the moment he asked me on this date. I just wanted him to think I was still mad at him for a little while longer.

Blake led me to a blanket that was laid out. It had a picnic basket on it and rose petals all around it. He even went as far as to bring a bottle of red wine. As I saw that I started to giggle, he was truly something.

I saw Blake's smile grow causing mine to grow as well. It made me happy to see him happy. That might sound cheesy but I was in love, I loved him.

He sat us down and took my hands again. He looked down at our hands. Blake slides his fingers down my hand until he grabbed a hold of the ring on my ring finger. Blake started to roll the ring around my finger, staring into my eyes.

"I remember every moment when I gave you this promise ring. I remembered promising you a lot, but there are only a couple of things that I will always remember. I will always remember promising you my love and my heart. I remember promising that I would never do anything to try to hurt you. But what I remember most, especially now, was promising that whenever we fought I would make sure to find a way to earn your forgiveness."

He paused taking a deep breath. I had tears in my eyes though I couldn't tell from what. I didn't know if it was from the memory or his speech, maybe a little of both.

He continued, "I'm showing you this meadow because this is my way of asking for forgiveness. I found this meadow yesterday after we fought. I was driving when I got a flat tire. I was so angry that I just got out of the car and stormed away from it. That's when I found this place. Although I was so angry from the fight, you were all I could think about when I found this."

He motioned around the meadow. Blake pulled me closer to him and gently grabbed my face in between his hands.

"All I could think about was you. I lay in the middle of the meadow wanting you right beside me, but I knew you wouldn't be here unless I apologized."

He laid his forehead on mine, glazing into my eyes. I could see the love and sorrow in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth. I'm so damn sorry. I love you more than anything in this world. I want this to be our place. I want this to be the place either one of us goes to when we need space or need time. I want this to be the place where we can get away from our lives for a little while and just be by ourselves. Finally, I want this to be the place you can tell me anything. I love you Elizabeth."

I felt the tears I was holding fall down my face. Blake caught the sight of it, slowly wiping it with the pad of his thumb. He bends down slowly leaning into me. I watched him as he got closer until I closed my eyes as I felt his lips touch mine.

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