Chapter 13

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There was a look of shock on Blake's face and I almost laughed. He didn't show emotions often, and I was surprised that this was all it took for him to be shocked.

When I walked in, I saw him checking me out. I knew I looked different, but I didn't think I looked that different. Blake didn't even recognize the person he was married to for two years.

We continued with the session after Blake and his family got over their shock.

"Your lawyer told me you would agree to pay all the money back, but you had one condition. Although he didn't tell me the specifics of the condition, can you tell the court what that condition is?"

I stand from my seat and walk towards the judge. I stand to the side so I can see both the judge and all the people in the court, mostly so I can see Blake.

"Yes, I have one condition. Two million dollars is a lot of money and I want it to go to a good cause. I have to say one thing though. Judge, keep in mind when considering my condition that I am innocent of Blake's claims. I never stole his money, I had no reason to. At the time that I may have spent his money, I was married to him and as his wife, I had a right to spend his money. We didn't have an agreement when we were married and I didn't need to use his money. I had my job," I stared right at Blake while saying that.

I could see his family whispering their disagreements to each other. I also saw Zach stand up to complain about my little speech, but the judge didn't allow him to say what he was going to. He signaled for him to be quiet and let me continue.

"With that in mind, I will give Blake the money. Not because I'm guilty but because I want this to be over with. The condition I have is that once I give him the money, Blake has to donate the money to a charity. I don't care what charity. I don't care how he donates the money if it's to multiple or just one. He just has to show me proof that he has donated the money, all of it."

Blake stood up and turned towards the judge.

"Are you even going to consider this? She is repaying the money she has taken from me. It was my money from the start and I should be able to decide what to do with my money," Blake argued his point to the judge.

"I have considered both sides of the argument and I have put in a lot of thought to my decision. I will grant Elizabeth's condition," everyone started to speak at once and the judge waited for them to be quiet, "Her condition is fair and just. Since she has already agreed to pay you the money, you should accept the condition she has made. Now either you accept it or you will not be granted the money."

Blake gave me a menacing glare, "Fine, I accept her condition."

"Ms. Bell will transfer the money to you by midnight tonight in the sum of two million dollars. Since you both agree, the session is adjourned."

I got up and hugged James and France. I grabbed my things and walked past Blake's family. I didn't look at them once as I left the court.

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