Chapter 23

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He continued to look around, and he paused every once and a while. He looked around the living room and had a confused look at him, but he didn't ask me any questions. I was thankful he didn't because I wasn't going to answer any of his questions. I don't think I could.

When it looked as if he finished looking around, I continued my story.

"Where were we?" I questioned but I already knew where we were.

"So you broke my heart, but I continued to be the loyal wife. I cooked breakfast every morning for you, which you never ate. I went straight to work and straight home when I was done. I cooked dinner for you every night and set the table for two. Every night I sat at the table waiting for you to come home. Sometimes you did and sometimes you didn't. When you did I would rush to you even after the betrayal, but I would always see you with another woman. You would smirk at me then take her upstairs."

"Every day I would do the same routine and it was the same thing over and over again. I continued to love you and care for you but all you did was torture me. You continued to break my heart over and over again."

"You were the one who betrayed me..."

I didn't let him continue.

"Listen to me and shut up," I thought I told him this before but I guess he was still as stubborn as ever.

"I continued my life that way until one day while I was walking home from work I was grabbed and dragged to an alleyway. That was about a couple of weeks before your birthday."

He interrupted me again, "That was when David blackmailed you."

"Yes, though you need to stop interrupting me. I was blackmailed and needed more money. I didn't want to take the money from you, and I didn't want you to worry. So I took more hours for work, advanced my paychecks for a couple of months, and I slowly made the money. I worked and worked because not only did I have to pay the blackmailer, but I still wanted that trip for you and me. I wanted the trip more than ever. I thought the trip would help us with our marriage. I thought if we spent time together maybe you could love me again and we could go back to the way we were before the affair started."

"But like always I was wrong. It came to the end of the month and I got enough money. I paid the blackmailer off and I had the trip ready. It was the morning of your birthday and I cooked your breakfast like every other day. I made a tray for your breakfast and put the envelope that had the plane tickets and my handwritten letter on it. I walked inside your room excited to give you the gift, but I didn't see you in bed. I heard the shower on, so I left the tray on the side table and walked to my room. I packed for the trip and carried the suitcase down. I walked upstairs to your room but didn't see you. I saw the envelope gone so I assumed you were waiting for me at the airport. Since I said in the letter that we were going to fly in your private jet."

"I called the airport to see if you were already there but they told me the private jet already left. I asked them how since I wasn't there yet and there was supposed to be two people, me and Blake, on the jet. The person said Blake and a woman got on and left."

"When he said that I knew what happened. You took one of your mistresses on our trip instead of me. I broke down and I knew I lost any hope that we could fix this marriage, but I didn't want to end it. I was too weak and I still loved you throughout it all. A month later you ended the marriage. That's when you shattered my heart and that's when I realized there was no such thing as a happily ever after."

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