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(1 Year Later)

I woke up to a ray of sunshine shining on me through the window early Friday morning. I reach beside me for the man I love but my hand only grabbed the silk sheets I was laying on. With a sigh of disappointment, I reached over to the bedside table trying to find my phone with my eyes still closed.

I was feeling around the table where my phone was supposed to be. Instead of feeling the screen of my phone, my hand landed on what felt like paper. My eyes snap open as I grabbed the paper and sat up until I was leaning against the headboard. I looked at the piece of notepad paper and was filled with happiness when I saw the handwriting I was all too familiar with.

Good morning Lizzy,

I'm sorry I couldn't be there in bed with you when you woke up, but I had an early meeting. I hope I could make it up to you with breakfast in bed before you wake, but since you are reading this then I'm not back. I will be back by your side soon. I am missing you already.

Love you Beautiful,


I smile at his letter ever since I had given Blake another chance a year ago he has done his best to be the perfect man for me. I know he tried his best to right all the wrongs he has made towards me because his actions showed me that every day. Sometimes when I look into his eyes, I see the guilt in them for all he has done that has caused me pain.

Blake thinks I don't know this but I do and all the little things he does to make it up to me helps make up for the painful moments one by one. Like every morning, he would wake up beside me and kiss me goodbye before he left. That is why it made me worry when I woke up this morning not to Blake but an empty bed.

I sat in bed for a while just staring at the note from Blake thinking about how much our lives have changed. With thoughts of Blake in mind, sleep overtook me again and I fell back asleep.


I woke up again this morning to someone stroking my hair. I open my eyes blinking from the sun shining in my eyes until I saw the person lying beside me. I stare at Blake wanting just a few more moments like this. For a few moments, it was just us and the whole world around us didn't matter.

I took a better look at Blake finally noticing that he was still in a business suit. I started to laugh at the sight of Blake laying down looking so stiff in a suit. Only he would suffer just to lay down with me until I woke up.

Blake glared at me when he finally noticed that I was laughing at him. With Blake's glare, I slowly begin to calm down enough to look at him again. When I do, I feel my nose crinkle and my eyes water as I try to calm myself down again but I fail. I burst out laughing again. As I am rolling around on the bed, I take a glance at Blake.

I see Blake without a glare this time. Now, he has a smirk on his face and he has an evil glint in his eyes. I quickly stop laughing and shook my head as I slowly begin to move away from Blake. Blake saw me trying to get away from him so he quickly grabbed me and brought me into him holding me tight as I start squirming to get out of his hold as he started to tickle my sides.

Once Blake had his revenge, he stopped tickling me and just held me in his arms. He laid his head on my shoulder and hugged me tight from behind. I turned my head and stared at Blake.

Blake met my eyes, "I need to go back to work for another meeting, but I wanted to come home and see you."

I sighed, "Go. The faster you get your work down the faster you can come back home."

Blake nodded then lifted me. While still in his arms, Blake kissed me gently before setting me back down on the bed. I lay down still in a daze from the kiss as Blake walked to the door. He grabbed the door handle and opened the door. He stepped out of the room but before he left my sight he turned around.

"The company ball is today. You still want to come right?" Blake asked.

I said, "Of course, I promised that I would go with you."

"Yeah." he trailed off before continuing, "I got you a couple of gifts for the ball today and I was hoping you would wear them to the ball."

I nodded, of course, I would, "You know I don't like it when you spend money on me."

Blake sighed, "I know but please accept these gifts just for today."

When I didn't argue again, he continued, "The gifts are in the closet. Take my card and do whatever you want today: shopping, a spa day, or a movie. I just want you to have fun before the ball, I know how much those company gatherings can bother you. My schedule is packed today, so I can't be back in time to pick you up. I will have someone come and pick you up."

Blake was about to walk back out after saying what he needed to, but he stopped and turned back around.

He looked at me with so much emotion in his eyes, "I love you, Elizabeth."

I watched as he walked out the door after saying he loved me leaving me to whisper "I love you" to the empty air surrounding me. 

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