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I walk out of the car holding my dress as the cameras flash around me. With my head held high, I walked away from all the shouting of the paparazzi wanting to know about Blake and me. Doing my best to ignore them, I made my way inside and entered the ballroom.

When I made my way down the grand staircase, I began looking for Blake out of the hundred people in the room. When I couldn't find Blake in the crowd, I moved to the side of the room hoping that I could catch a glance at Blake. As I was looking for Blake in the crowd, I noticed something weird. No one was wearing white in the room.

When I had finished getting ready for the ball, I had gone into the closet to get the presents Blake had gotten me. There were three different boxes and each a different size. I had opened one after another and I couldn't believe my eyes.

The first box and smallest box held a white diamond necklace that was shaped in a heart. When I saw the necklace, I almost fainted from the thought of how much it probably cost. I shook my head about to put it back into the box and have him return it but then I remembered the promise I made him.

With a sigh and a smile on my face, I opened the next two boxes. In the second, a medium-size box was a pair of white heels with red bottoms. I didn't dare to look at the company of the shoes fearing that I would have a heart attack. The red bottoms told me all I needed to know about the price.

I push the heels and necklace to the side and opened the last box. It held a dress in it. When I lifted the dress out of the box, I lost feeling in my legs. It felt like I was going to fall. The dress was beautiful.

It was a pure white dress that looked like a wedding dress. The dress started with a sweetheart neckline and small diamonds lining it. The diamonds flowed down like rain until it ended at the beginning of a slit about mid-thigh. The dress finally ended in a pool of fabric on the floor surrounding my feet.

I had put on the necklace, heels, and dress without a second thought. I didn't think much about the fact that it resembled a wedding dress until I came to the ball and noticed that no one but me was wearing white. I glanced around again noticing a flash of white in a sea of color.

I followed the person in white. When I got close enough, I was shocked to see Blake. I tried to hurry and reach him, but I wasn't fast enough and he walked up to the stage. As I stopped in front of the stage, I watched Blake grab a microphone and everyone grew quiet around me.

Blake walked to the very front of the stage glazing around the crowded room. As he scanned the crowd, our eyes met. But as quickly as our eyes had met, Blake shifted his eyes away like he didn't see me. I thought to myself that must have been it. He didn't see me. He couldn't have or else he would have acknowledged me.

I shifted my eyes to the floor feeling uncomfortable in the silence of the room. Only when I had heard the clearing of a voice, did I glance back up? I looked up to see Blake standing on the stage.

With a nervous spark in his eyes, Blake began, "I know everyone must be confused about why we are gathered here today."

Everyone nodded and Blake gave a nervous chuckle, "Well I have an important announcement to make today and I wanted everyone here to know first. I wanted the people most important to me to be here with me for this announcement."

With this statement, everyone grew interested including me. I was shocked. I didn't know that Blake had an announcement to make today. Just like everyone else, I didn't know what he was talking about.

Blake set his microphone down and ignored the questions some people were firing at him. He walked past all the confused people and made his way down the steps toward the crowd, nut he wasn't going towards the crowd.

Blake locked eyes with me and made his way to me. When we locked eyes, it felt like the whole room had disappeared and it was just the two of us. The worries I had about my dress and Blake ignoring me had disappeared. All that was left was the love I felt for the man in front of me.

Blake continued to walk towards me until he was only a foot away. He stopped and reached for my hand that I willingly gave to him. Blake let out a breath before reaching into his pocket and grabbing something before he got down on one knee.

All I could do was gasp in shock as I watched Blake. Just like all the other people surrounding us, I was equally shocked. I watched Blake open the box and I saw the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. I didn't have the chance to see it, When I looked down at the box, it was only to see if he was doing what I thought he was doing and he was. My head snapped back up as my eyes met Blake's eyes.

Blake gave me a small smile, "Elizabeth I have known you for five years now. The first year spent in bliss getting to know you for the first time. The second-year I made so many mistakes that led to us going our separate ways. The third and four years were spent apart because of my mistakes. The fifth-year spent getting to know the new you."

Blake paused, "I had made so many mistakes that caused you pain. I had you once. I had lost not only you, but I had caused us to lose our child."

Blake stopped for a second with pain in his eyes, "I had down awful things in the past but for some reason you forgave me. You gave me another chance when I didn't deserve it. Time and time again you were there for me. I didn't realize how much you meant to me, but after losing you I finally realized something."

I felt his hand began to shake because of the emotions within him, "I realized that with the chance you gave me, I had another chance to make it right. With your forgiveness, I had the chance to say sorry to you every day for hurting you in the past. With your patience, I had the time to make myself into the man that I wanted to be. A man that didn't hurt you but loved you. A man that doesn't fight with you but instead protects you. A man that isn't ashamed to get on my knees and ask for your forgiveness just so we don't have to fight because I can't stand you being angry at me."

Blake closed his eyes and when he opened them they were filled with unshed tears, "I want to be the man that I should have been five years ago. I want to start a new future with you as my wife. I want to be able to call you mine. To laugh with you when you're happy and cry with you when you're sad. I want to lie in bed with you when you are not feeling well, and I want to come home to you and little you's around the house. I want to wake up knowing that I have nothing to worry about because you are by my side. I can't think of a world without you. I don't want to live my life without you."

As a tear escaped out of my eye the man in front of me asked, "Will you marry me?"

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