Chapter 31

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I walked, well more like barged into his room. He was working on his laptop while sitting on his bed, and might I say he was fully dressed.

Anyone would be surprised if someone just barged into their room, but not France. When I barged in his room, he just looked up from his computer at me with a bored look on his face.

I was a little disappointed with his reaction. He hasn't seen me in two weeks and this is all I get. So to see if I would get a reaction, I started to run towards him.

When he saw me running, he looked shocked and frozen. I was happy with his reaction, but I wanted to get his full reaction so I keep running.

France had a look of realization on his face as he saw me continue to run. He hurried to move his laptop to the bedside table. He was about to get up, but he wasn't fast enough.

While he tried to get up, I ran and jumped on the bed, crushing France since I landed on him. I admit it wasn't a good idea because my body hurt from the impact.

But it was worth it because France looked like he was dying. I heard him groaning underneath me from the pain. I knew I had to put him out of his misery, so I got up sitting beside his body as nothing happened.

France got up from his position glaring at me.

"What the hell Lizzy?" he continued to glare at me.

He looked as if I had destroyed something precious to him. I rolled my eyes, he was such a drama queen sometimes.

I put on the most innocent expression I could.

"I don't know what you mean. I just wanted to hug you. I missed you. I haven't seen you in what feels like forever," I said trying to keep the innocent expression but failed since I broke out in a smile.

It was his turn to roll his eyes, "Sure, now you miss me."

"Of course I missed you."

He just stared at me. He continued to stare at me for what felt like a million years, and it was beginning to creep me out. He broke his stare as he shifted to get in a more comfortable position.

"Okay," he drawled out, starting to piss me off, "Now that we are done with that bullshit."

I was about to cut him off. That was not bullshit! It was me showing him how much I missed him. Well, I was going to tell him this, but he didn't give me a chance since he started talking again.

"What happened with Blake?" France asked suddenly turning serious, but he also looked very concerned.

I looked down not wanting to look directed at France, "I don't know what you mean. I haven't spoken to him in a while."

He sighed shaking his head, probably getting frustrated with me.

"You know what I mean, but if you want to be difficult. Then, I could ask you the specifics, " he looked tired, "What happened with Blake two weeks ago on my birthday."

I looked at France with a clueless look on my face.

"Fucking hell Elizabeth!," He yelled.

I must have finally pissed him off. I was so close to laughing at him. I felt so bad as I knew I shouldn't laugh, but his outburst was too funny.

He heard me laughing but instead of getting angrier at me, he simply started laughing with me.

"You are so lucky we are friends," he said continuing to laugh.

But instead of continuing the laughing fit, we were on, I stopped laughing. Once I stopped laughing, he also stopped after not hearing me laugh with him.

"We aren't just friends," I glared at France, "We are family."

He looked like someone kicked his puppy.

"Of course we are, you know that's not what I meant. You are my family, more like a sister to me. You are my sister and that's why I want to know what happened with Blake."

I knew I couldn't avoid this talk anymore. France has been with me through thick and thin. I didn't think he would judge me or anything. I just didn't want to relive the details.

I got over it though and started talking.

"So you already know Blake and I were left alone at your house the night of your birthday."

I stopped taking a deep breath, looking at France for a second. He nodded for me to continue with my recalling of the events.

"We cleaned the area up," I tried to continue the story but got interrupted.

"Yeah, thank you for that. Jenny and I appreciated it. It was nice to come home to a clean house after seeing it messy," He smiled at me in thanks but I just glared at him.

"Your welcome, but if you would stop interrupting me then I could continue my story," I replied in a harsh tone.

He looked apologetic. I just signed at his childish behavior.

"After we cleaned I poured us a glass of wine and we talked for a little bit."

I continued to relay the events of that night to France. When I finished my storytelling, I fell back on the bed tired.

He looked at me with a weird expression on his face. I was going to question him on his expression, but he just shook his head.

He didn't say anything about what happened. He just grabbed his laptop from the table and opened it.

"I have work to do."

That was his only reply before he started working again. I knew I had to give France time to think about what I just told him. So I left allowing him the time to think.

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