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Emma's P.O.V.

9:59 A.M.

The whole drive to Wrigley, I kept my eyes trained out the window. Watching the buildings fly by and the people blur together was mesmerizing. Finally tearing my gaze from the window, I watched KB pull into a parking lot. "KB, have I been here before?" Scrunching my nose up in confusion, I looked around.

This place looks really familiar. Why can't I put my finger on it.

"This is the same parking lot, you came to yesterday. I parked in this same exact spot actually." KB told me, while opening my door. Reaching over he unbuckled me, and helped me out. Placing my on the ground behind him, he stretched out and snagged his duffel.

"Ready EB?" He questioned while positioning me and the duffels carefully on his shoulders. Nodding, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

What if the Wrigley people don't like me?

Curling up closer to KB, I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. Closing my eyes, I listened to him breathe.

In. Out. In. Out. This is relaxing.

"Kris, brother how are ya man. Still feeling the effects of your walk off?" A loud voice asked KB as we entered a building. Jumping a little, I began to wriggle suddenly not wanting to meet anyone new.

"Sh, Emma it's okay. It's just Dexter." KB quietly whispered in my ear. I stopped wriggling, but didn't remove my head from his neck. "Hey Dexter, I'm great, how about yourself?" He asks the man, while closing the distance between them.

"I'm doing just fine. Although I am very excited to crush the giants again." Turning my head, I saw Riz, entering the building.

"Riz!" I shrieked. KB put me on the ground and I ran over. Jumping up, he caught me and spun me around. Laughing he put me down, and I promptly fell on my butt as my vision was swirling.

"Rizzo!" KB's sharp yell cut through the air. A pair of gentle arms picked me up, and I instantly knew it was KB from the way I felt safe.

I don't wanna ever leave him.

My vision was still distorted, but I could feel KB walking. I heard Riz and Dex fall into step with us.

"Uh Kris, who's this?" Dex asked, while nudging me.

He doesn't like me.

Closing my eyes, I put my head back in it's usual place in KB's neck. I willed myself not to cry. Rubbing my back, KB whispered "Dude, I will explain in the clubhouse." Keeping my eyes closed, I felt KB turn left and then right, then stop. "Hey guys, go inside and make sure everyone's dressed alright and one of you put my bag in my cubby please?" The duffel was taken from KB, the door then opened and closed.

It's too silent.

Feeling myself being lowered, I opened my eyes. KB had squatted down and let go of me. Unwrapping my arms from his neck, I took a step back. "Emma, so this is where I work I guess. I have a lot of teammates who are gonna want to meet you. Are you okay with that?" He questions.

"What do you do?"

"I play baseball for the Chicago Cubs." He proudly smiled at me.

"Will your teammates like me?" I asked quietly.

"Of course they will. Who wouldn't like you?"

"Mike never liked me." I tell him while looking at the ground.

"Who's Mike?"

"My dad, but I don't like to call him dad. I don't think he deserves that title." My gaze still on the ground.

"Hey come here." Tearing my gaze from the ground, I see KB and his arms wide open. Taking a step forward, he wraps his arms around me. "Emma, it's just you and me for now okay? No more of Mike. We can deal with him later. Of course Riz will always be here too along with everyone else in that room. Do you wanna meet everyone now?" He asks while pulling away from me.

"Sure." I tell him as he stands up. Grabbing my hand, he smiles down at me and opens the door.

"Everyone decent?"

What does decent mean?

A chorus of yeses, are called out. "I'm right beside you, the whole time okay. And Riz will be inside also." Smiling up at him, I nod my head twice. He pushes the door open wide enough for the both of us.

Here we go.

My vision is filled with lots of guys. All conversation ceased as we walked in. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, when KB started talking. "Hey guys, this is Emma. She will be staying with me for a while. I hope that by the end of today, you will all have had the pleasure of meeting her." With that KB guided me through the mass sea of bodies and to a locker. "This is my locker Emma. So if you need anything you can look here first, or ask any of the guys."

"Can I have a hat KB, my ears are cold." I ask. Laughing he nods and reaches into his cubby and pulls out a blue hot with a pom on the top. "What's this mean?" I asked while pointing to the C on the front.

"That is the Chicago Cubs logo, sweetheart." A voice tells me from behind. Spinning around I see the man from earlier.

"Is your name Dex?" I cautiously ask. He smiled down at me.

"Yep! How would you feel about coming with me to meet everyone while Kris changes into BP clothes?" He asks while grinning at KB.

"Can I go with Dex, KB?" He looks at me and nods. Jumping up, I reach out and hug KB's leg. "Bye KB!"

"WAIT!" He cries out. Looking up at him, he holds out his arms smiling. Detaching myself from his legs, I hold up my arms and he picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around me. I faintly hear the sound of a camera going off but I don't care, I don't think KB does either because he's just smiling at me.

I never want to leave you, KB.

"I love you KB." I tell him looking down.

"Hey, I love you too EB." He tell me. Looking up he smiles at me. Smiling back at him I squeeze him one more time. And he sets me down.

Grabbing Dex's hand, he leads me away to the couch to meet everyone. Turning back around, I give KB a wave.

He waved back, and help up his hands in the shape of a heart. Giggling I turn back around ready to meet everyone.

DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY! Woooo! Hope you guys like it. I'm having a ton of fun writing it. Lemme know what you guys think!

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