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Emma's P.O.V.

8:39 A.M.

"I cannot believe that pretty much all of the team is still asleep." I opened my eyes to see Joe standing a few feet away from me. Yawning I sat up and stretched.

"Hi Joe!" I whispered giving him a wave. Reaching over he untangles me from KB's arms and Riz's legs and hoists me up to his side. "How long until we land?" I asked trying to look out the window but couldn't see anything but white.

"Oh we landed around twenty minutes ago. Everyone was sleeping peacefully so I decided why not just let them rest." I giggled and looked back at the guys. KB and Addy were asleep on chairs, while Riz was sprawled out over his seat and his legs went across the aisle.

"Who's legs are those?" I pointed towards the ground noticing someone's pair of slides.

"Oh that's just Dexter, he rolled off his seat and we just let him lie there instead of moving him. Javier and David are also both sleeping in the aisle a little bit further back." He chuckled before walking up to the first class seats where he sat.

"Can we get breakfast?" I looked down at my stomach as it started to rumble.

"Sure, let me just get your coat before we leave." He placed me down on a seat and opened the overhead cubby. I watched him shift through a bag until he found a pink coat and a Cubs hat.

"Thanks!" I shouted but then giggled when he pressed his finger to his lips. Slipping on my coat he helped me zip it up as I placed the hat on my head. "Ready to go Mr. Joe." I mock saluted him and stood up.

"Let's go get some bagels." He grabbed me and placed me on his hip and walked to the door. Nodding to the flight attendant, she opened it and he hurried out so she could shut it.

"Holy cow. It's freezing out here!" I cried out placing my hands over my face to try and protect it from the wind. Laughing Joe went down the steps and jogged the way into the airport.

"Ah it's nice and toasty in here." He set me down as we walked into Panera. "Two cinnamon crunch bagels please." He told the cashier before handing him a ten dollar bill. Looking around I saw a few other players eating food.

"John!" I ran over to him and gave him a hug. He smiled and nodded to me as he had food in his mouth.

"Are you excited to go hiking?" He asked me once he took a sip of water.


Noting my confused expression he explained further, "At ten a bus is coming and driving us to a hiking trail because the game was delayed till late tonight. Actually we probably need to head back, so let's go munchkin." He rose from his chair and threw out his trash.

"You guys ready?" Joe impatiently yelled out before walking out the door and onto the tarmac. Mumbling something under his breath John picked me up and ran after him.

"God I am definitely wearing better clothes when we go hiking because I'm freezing cold." He muttered as he ran up to the steps and into the warmth of the plane.

"Emma here's your bagel. And try to be quiet I'm going to blow an air horn and I really want to hear everyone scream." Joe whispered handing me the bagel.

"So how long are we hiking for exactly?" I turned to look at John who just shrugged back. Nodding I continued to eat, flinching slightly when I heard a loud horn followed by a high pitched scream.

"Oh my goodness. Addison just screamed so loud!" Joe cried out before bending over laughing. "You have ten minutes before we leave for hiking. Make sure you dress warm." He called out to everyone before taking a seat across from me.

"This is a really good bagel." I held my half eaten one up. Pulling his out of the bag he held his up before placing it in his mouth. We ate in silence for the next few minutes allowing me to finish.

"Emma?" KB's voice called out from behind me. Wiping my hands on my pants, I stood up and ran over to him.

"What's up daddy?" I peered up at him. He held up a pair of snow pants and boots for me. Grumbling I took them from him and sat on the ground pulling them on.

"Here let me tie the shoes." He kneeled down in front of me and quickly laced them up tight. "I've got your gloves and other stuff, so I think we are good. We can get on the bus now." He picked me up and carried me off the plane.


"I'm dying. Leave me behind it's fine, I'll manage to survive." Addy panted through deep breaths as we continued to climb.

"Bro. We are almost there calm down." Riz cried out pulling his hat down tighter over his head. I giggled and continued to climb as fast I could.

"How are earth is she still going that fast?" Dex asked KB who was behind me in case I fell.

"Who knows man." He grumbled as he continued on. I went down on my hands and felt myself get picked up and set back on my feet.

"Thanks!" I heaved out before running up next to Riz. He looked down at me and smiled, well as best as his frozen cheeks would allow. Motioning for me to stop, he bent down and pulled my scarf up higher so it covered my nose  and then gave me thumbs up.

"We made it!" I looked up to see Jake around a hundred feet in front of me dancing around. I began running again even though I could feel myself growing tired I pushed through.

"Woah." I shrieked as two hands picked me up and put me on their shoulders. Looking down I saw KB's boots and relaxed.

"We made it princess!" He cried out spinning us around in a circle arms wide.

"Look at the view. It's beautiful." I whispered as he stopped spinning and stared out into the mountains.

"Let's all agree to never do that again." Addy's voice wheezed out as he stood next to us. Standing up a little straighter we all busted out laughing.

"Everyone squeeze together, it's picture time!" Riz called out pulling out phone. "Three, two, one!" He called out as he took the pictures.

"Alright time to head back guys. Everyone says going down is easier than up." Joe cheerfully called out before descending the mountain.

"Wait you two don't move. I need to take more pictures for your walls." Riz yelled out freezing us in our positions.

"Arms wide Emma bear." KB whispered up to me as he stuck out his arms and turned around so we could see the view again. Giggling I threw my arms to the side and waited until I heard Riz snap the picture.

"Got it. Now let's go!" He put his phone back in his pocket and headed down the mountain.

"I bet we can beat him down." I told KB as he set me on the ground. Nodding in agreement, we both rushed after him laughing, but not before we looked at the view one more time.

It's beautiful.

Ah I really want to go hiking right now! Kinda fun chapter here, just showing some team moments and such. Thanks for reading guys :))

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