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Emma's P.O.V.

5:48 A.M.

"Dad where are you?" I shouted as I continued walking through an unfamiliar building. Stopping in front of a closed door, I reached up to turn the knob but froze.

"So Kristopher, how do you feel having taken away everything I used to love?" Mike's rang out. Hearing a loud thud followed by laughter I reached up to and grabbed the door handle.

Gasping, I let go of the handle and grabbed my head trying to calm the sudden pounding. "Ugh!" I shrieked as it continued to rage on.

"Emma bear, help me!" I took one hand away from my head and tried turning the knob again. Without even budging, the handle stayed in its place and the pounding in my head grew unbearable.

"Get out of my head!" I screamed as I let go and held my hands over my ears. Mixing in with the ringing and pounding, I heard Mike's laughter and Dad's pleas for me to help him.

"Daddy I'm sorry!" I choked out as I dropped onto my knees and placed my head on the ground. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

"Emma!" I snapped my eyes awake and stared into the worried face of Uncle Joe. Reaching up to him, I placed my cast behind his neck and held it in place with my other arm as I started to sob.

"Hey sweetheart what's wrong?" He whispered as he carried me from the middle of the plane to the front. Pulling back from him, I bit my lip and looked up at the ceiling willing myself to stop crying.

"I just had a b-ad dream." I quickly reached up and wiped away my tears with my right hand. "How did you know something was wrong?"

"I was up in the back grabbing some coffee from the stewardess, when I heard you shriek and then thrash around." He sat down in his seat and placed my on his legs. "Would you like to talk about what happened in your dream?"

Right as I opened my mouth to answer him, I heard someone plop into the seat behind me. Spinning around I looked at an exhausted Riz. "Would you mind if I listened in?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I leaned back so I was resting comfortably against Joe's stomach and began telling them what happened. "I was walking in a strange building, when all of the sudden I got to this door and I could hear Mike talking to Daddy behind it."

I paused taking a deep breath as I thought about the next part. Looking up at Riz, I saw him having a silent conversation with Joe before nodding at me to continue.

"When I tried to open the door, it felt like I ran into a door again. But over and over, it was never ending." I mumbled, rubbing my hand over my cast. "Then it just continued getting worse as I kept hearing Mike yelling and KB asking me to help him."

I felt my eyes fill up with tears again as I thought about KB getting hurt again because of me. Riz reached over to pick me up but I squirmed out of his hold.

"Emma what's wrong?" He sat up more alert, as I began wheezing for air. As he stood up and held out his hands for me, I moved backwards taking small steps.

"Is this my fault?" I whispered mainly to myself, as I took another step back. Riz lunged for me, but jumped back even further. "Did I almost kill Daddy?" I choked out, finally thinking about that night.

I froze in my spot, as I saw KB run up behind Riz, who was then followed by Joe. Quickly switching places with Riz, I stood less then five feet from his beautiful but bruised face.

"Dad." I wheezed out, scared of myself for the first time in my life.

"Emma Bear, what's wrong sweetheart?" His calm composure was far different than his concerned voice.

"I caused all this," I pointed to his voice and then to my cast, "we were in the hospital!" My voice getting louder, even though I felt less and less oxygen reaching my lungs.

"No you didn't. Never say that Emma, Mike did this. And-"

"And guess who's dead now," I shouted cutting him off, "Mike's dead. And that could have been you Daddy! What would I have done without you? I'd be sent somewhere without Wrigley or anybody." I continued to shout, venting my biggest fears to KB. "Please never leave me Daddy!"

I break down and cry, as KB quickly scoops me up and places me on his hip. Burying my face in his neck I wrap my arms around his body and squeeze, not wanting to ever let go.

"Shh. It's okay I'm never leaving you munchkin, I promise you." He whispers in my ear, as his hand gently rubs my back.

"Are you crying?" I hear Riz whisper through my own sobs.

"Shut up man, I've just got something in my eyes." Dex mumbles before pulling in a deep breath.

Hearing KB's chuckle resonate throughout my head I untuck my head from his neck and look at him. Placing my fingers over my lips, I then raise them up and gently place them on his face. Repeating my actions a few more times, I cover all his fading bruises and watch as his smile grows.

"Thank you babydoll." He whispers before ducking down and planting a small kiss on my nose. "Now how about we go and get some sleep? We have an hour before we land in Atlanta."

Nodding at him, I rewrap my arms around his neck and place my head on his shoulder. Already feeling tired, I close my eyes and try evening out my breathing.

"Thanks guys. We'll talk later." KB nods his head and walks back to his seat. Laying back down, he positions my body so that I'm laying on his chest and my head is over his heart.

"Goodnight Daddy." I whisper and snuggle into him more as he places a blanket over the two of us.

"Sleep tight princess." And I fall asleep to the rhythmic beating of his heart and the warmth of his hands resting on my back.

I don't think words can even describe how mad you guys are and how horrible I feel about not updating for almost 2-3 months. It's been a rough time but now I'm getting more time to update.

And I know this chapter isn't the best but I just needed to write it. And of course she is going to sound very mature but I'm just gonna roll with it since she is a victim of abuse so she had to grow up a little bit faster.

Thanks for sticking with me through that and encouraging me to keep writing. I love you guys :))

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