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Emma's P.O.V.

5:21 P.M.

"Hi, you must be Emma! My name's Miss. Ashley!" A woman around Kris's age with bright blonde hair walked over to me. "Well lets get started we have a lot to discuss." She guided me to a chair, and let me get settled before scooting the chair in.

"Can I color while we talk?" I asked shifting my lower body so I was siting on my knees.

"Sure sure." She smiled at me handing me a piece of paper and different colored pens. "Lets start at the beginning." She grabbed her notepad and flipped to a clean page.

"Like the beginning beginning or just the beginning?" I asked, starting to color.

"How about the night you met Kris." She prompted, beginning to scribble.

"I had spent the day alone and then later Mike came home-" I was cut off by a cough.

"Excuse me but who's Mike?" She asked me knitting her brows together confused.

"My dad." I looked back down at my picture and continued coloring. "He came home with another lady that night. I accidentally called him Mike which he hates because he..." I trailed off shuddering my body.

"Hey Emma. You are doing really good!" She gave me a small smile.

"After I called him that, he hit me and told me that he was glad my mom was dead and I was a mistake. He then went into a bedroom with her. I put my shoes on and then ran out the front door. I saw these bright flashing lights so I just ran to them. But it turns out they weren't flashing, it was just raining and I couldn't tell the difference." I looked up at her and gave her a quick shrug.

"How did you meet Kris?" She gave me another small smile before looking down at her notepad.

"I finally stopped running when I saw a huge parking lot filled with cars. I was really tired and cold, so I tried a car that resembled Mikes but it was locked. I then tried the car behind it and it was unlocked. I climbed inside and fell asleep. I woke up to Kris singing and then when he parked his car I flew off the seat and onto the floor. He opened the back door and we both screamed. I began to cry and he put me in his arms and before I knew it I had fallen asleep." I giggled remembering the incident.

Feels like just yesterday.

"The next thing I know is that I rolled off a couch and fell onto the ground. Riz had slept over the night in the guest room because KB had asked him too. He was the first person I saw in the morning so I freaked out. I screamed until KB came out of his bedroom and calmed me down. And that's the first time I met KB" I frowned looking at my drawing before deciding I needed to add more pink to it.

"Can I ask you some questions about your dad?" Miss. Ashley cautiously asked. I nodded to her without looking up. "How many times has your dad hit you?"

"KB's never hit me. He tickles me all the time but would never hit me." I tell her getting angry.

How dare she say KB's hit me.

"No Emma. I mean Mike." She reached her hand out and gave my hand a quick pat.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize. But um he's hit me a few times, especially on the days he came home smelling funny." I stopped drawing and looked her in the eyes.

"This is a very personal question but I need to ask you. Did Mike ever touch you?" She stopped her scribbling to look at me.

"Will I get in trouble?" I asked, and she shook her head vigorously. "Only once. He came home and undressed me and had me close my eyes. It was only for a couple of minutes and then he left me alone." I confessed to her. "Can we talk about something else please."

"Unfortunately not yet, just a few more questions about Mike then we can talk about Kris and his baseball." She pumped her fish at the last part making me giggle. "So, when did your mom pass away?"

"I don't know exactly. Mike said she died during my birth, so let's go with the day I was born. How many more questions do I need to answer?"

"Just a few more sweetheart. Where do you feel the most safe?"

Well that's an easy question.

"Whenever I'm with KB and when all the guys are together. Or when Riz comes over and the three of us have fun together!" I chirp out grabbing a second piece of paper.

"You talk about this Riz character a lot. Mind telling me who that is?"

How do you not know who Riz is?

"He's KB's best friend. Anthony Riz-zo, they are on the same baseball team. The Chicago Cubs! He stays over all the time, but when we go on trips he stays in somebody else's room." I explain to her like she's a baby.

"Wow that's very exciting. How do you feel about your current living situation. Meaning living with Kris?" She clarified after I looked at her confused.

"I love it. I never want to leave. KB keeps me safe and promised me that we would never be separated. At night normally we end up going to bed early because he has a game the next day but I'm fine with it. He helps me through my nighttime routine before we climb into the bed. I lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat while we fall asleep. We set this really funny alarm, so in the morning when we have to travel to Wrigley we wake up to a frog croaking." I give her a smile and reach for a blue highlighter.

"I see you are wearing a cubs sweatshirt. Does Kris often buy you things?" She questioned me, sitting up a little straighter.

"Um I mean like he bought me clothes when I needed them, my favorite shirt is this gray one, with a cubby on it! Why do ask?" I asked her growing suspicious.

"Do you think Kris uses you just for publicity?" She averted my question by asking me her own.

"I don't know what publicity means." I state to her, narrowing my eyes.

Why does she keep trying to make KB sound like a bad guy?

"Did you know that since you were seen in public with Kris, the amount of TV and radio interviews he's been asked to do have skyrocketed. Publicity means to give someone attention by the media. Do you think that Kris is just using you to make himself more famous?" Her eyes bore into mine. We both sat there staring at each other, until I broke it off by blinking.

"I don't want to answer that. I am done with this, I'm going to see KB." I announced to her. Standing up from my chair, I walk over to the door and twist the handle.

"Oh Emma sweetheart. It was lovely talking to you." I slammed the door shut, willing the tears to stop falling.

Is KB just using me for publicity?

Oh boy I'm sorry to do that to you but I did. Thanks for reading :)

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