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Kris's P.O.V.

5:24 P.M.

"Honestly I don't think you guys are going to lose at all this season. Thanks for listening to this post game interview, and thanks for Kris Bryant and Anthony Rizzo for talking." We smiled for the camera until the cut the feed. "You guys are good to go, thanks again."

"No problem." I told him as we walked away and down into the clubhouse.

"Party at my place starting as soon as I arrive. Or if you get their first just knock, mama and papa Rizzo should let you in." Rizzo called out to everyone as he stepped down next to me.

"Never again man. Never leave me to the tortures of a Disney movie with Emma again please." Richard ran up to me and pretended to cry as Emma ran over behind him.

"Do you wanna build a snowman Richard?" she giggled as he ran off.

"Come here princess." I cried out as I snatched her and put her in my arms. "How was your day today?" I asked carrying her over to my cubby and began packing up my things.

"It was super fun! Richard and I watched Frozen again, and then we had grilled cheese for lunch and then we saw you guys win!" She giggled and climbed onto my back. "Is it time to go to Riz's now?"

"Yep, I have everything we need in the car. I'm going change there so we can leave now." I told her spinning her around to my hip and placing my duffel on my back. "We are leaving now Rizzo, see you at your place." I hollered to him as we exited the clubhouse.


"Ready to meet Rizzo's parents?" I asked her as I pulled into his driveway. Placing the car I turn around to look at her.

"I guess so." Emma gave me a thumbs up and gave her one in return. "This is Riz's house?" She gave me a look of awe before running up to the front door.

"Go ahead and ring the doorbell. I'll just get the stuff." I called to her as I popped the trunk.

"Hi I'm Emma, I know your son Riz! He plays baseball with KB." I heard her announce as I shut the trunk.

"Aw it's nice to meet you. I'm Anthony's mother, but you can call me Laurie. Oh and there's the son I wish I had." She calls out to me as I walk up to the front door.

"Hi Laurie, how are you?" I ask walked into her arms.

"I'm good. My golly it's seems like you've grown since the last time I've seen you. Or I must be shrinking." She let go of me and walked into the house. "Come on in, I'll let John know you are here."

"Psst KB. Who's John?" I looked down to see Emma looking at me confused.

"John is Rizzo's dad. You'll love him. He looks a little intimidating but he's just a giant teddy bear on the inside." I reached down and grabbed her hand leading her into the kitchen.

"Ah Kris how are you son?" John asked stepping up to me.

"I'm good sir, yourself?" I asked him giving his hand a firm shake.

"I'm just jolly. And who might you be?" He asked squatting down to Emma's height.

"My name's Emma. I live with KB. Sometimes Riz stays over and we all eat mac and cheese together." She told him smiling.

"Well that sounds just like my son. Always eating." He let out a laugh. "It was nice to meet you. Kris I think Laurie wants to talk to you in the living room. And Emma how would you like to see the basement?" He asked letting her decide.

"I'd love to! I'll see you in a few minutes KB." She gave my right leg a quick hug before running off with John.

What a goofball.

Walking into the living room I saw Rizzo and his mom sitting on the couches. "When did you get here?" I asked him looking at my watch.

"Eh you know like twenty seconds ago." He sarcastically replied. "Hey!" He called out as his mom gave him a small smack on the head.

"So what's up mama Rizzo?" I asked continuing to stand as I hadn't changed out of my dirty uniform.

"Before you changed I just wanted to let you know that if you need any held with Emma as in babysitting or just anything. You give us a call okay?" She stood up and gave me another hug. "I'm really proud of you! But I think you should go change, you smell." She released me from her grasp and showed me towards a bedroom.

"Ha thanks for being blunt about it. And I appreciate it, I might take you up on that offer after court." I added as she closed the door behind her as we entered the guest bedroom.

"So now that Anthony can't eavesdrop. How's searching for a house?" She whispered excitedly waving her arms around.

"It's going okay actually. I have a few houses in mind, the one I really like is pretty much across the street from here." I told her as I walked into the bathroom and partially closed the door, changing my clothes

"Aw that would be cool if it worked out. My two favorite Cubs players living right across the street from each other. Have you told anyone about this?" She asked me as I walked back out in clean clothes.

"Nope just you. I want to keep it a secret until I win custody-"

"KB! KB!" Emma's voice rang out.

"Sorry, we will finish this conversation later?" I asked opening the door.

"Of course sweetheart. Now go see what Emma wants. I'll check the status of dinner." She replied walking out and into the kitchen.

"Emma bear what's up?" I asked navigating my way through some of my team.

"Can we please please please go play in the rain?" She ran up to me and launched herself into my arms.

"Uh I don't really-"

"Kris would love to. I'll even video tape it and put it on twitter." Addison and Rizzo popped up out of nowhere and began leading us to the door.

"No wait guys I don't have anymore-" I was shoved out the front door and into the rain. "Clothes." I muttered.

"I love the rain!" Emma shrieked and giggled. "Let it go let it go!" She began to sing.

Well I'm already wet now.

Spinning around I began to giggle Emma. "Can't hold it back anymore!" I sang out laughing.

"And that's a beautiful video that will earn me a couple thousand likes." Addison announced before Rizzo grabbed his phone out of his hands. "Hey what the-"

"Sorry pal." Rizzo grinned wickedly and shoved him into the rain.

"I'm so going to get you back man." Addison screeched lunging for him.

"I think we should have a prank war tomorrow after the game." Emma whispered in my ear, and I nodded in agreement.

Tomorrow there will be no mercy.

Ah gotta love Mama and Papa Rizzo. Hehe Kris wants a house!! Thanks for reading let me know what you think :)

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