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Emma's P.O.V.

7:18 A.M.

"Emma can you hear me sweetheart?" I woke up to someone tousling my hair.

"KB?" I croaked out my throat dry. I tried swallowing but couldn't as I ended up in a coughing fit.

"Uh no actually it's Richard the team doctor." He rushes out as I try to catch my breath before I'm plunged into another coughing fit.

"I'm sorry." I apologized through my panting as I slowed my coughing down.

"It's okay Emma. I'm just gonna give you a quick check up and then you can go back to sleep." He told me as he placed me on the table so I was sitting facing him. "So what seems to be bugging you?" He asked as he took my pulse.

"I threw up last night and was extremely tired and thirsty." I whispered to him afraid that he'll be upset with my answer.

"Well that doesn't sound like fun. Do you mind stepping on the scale?" He asked helping me down from the table.

"Sure, and where are we?" I asked him looking around while stepping on the scale.

"In my hotel room, I always bring in all the medical equipment. You will never know how many times I've had to check on a players' injury from falling into the pool or something." He told me laughing and then leaned down to check the scale numbers. "Hm that's interesting. Only 26 pounds, that's about a pound above the lowest end of three year olds." He muttered to himself as he walked back over to his notebook.

Am I supposed to get off this now?

"Hey Emma can you walk over to me?" He asked while motioning me over. Nodding I walked over to him. "Interesting, can you go back please?" Turning my back to him I retraced my steps best I could before turning back around.

"Can I go back to sleep now?" I asked while plopping down.

So tired.

"Soon I promise. How many fingers am I holding up?" He questioned me.

"Four!" I cried out after taking a second to squint and make sure. He changed the amount of fingers. "Five." I whispered suddenly having a feeling of dizziness come over me.

"Woah woah woah Emma. Emma can you hear me?" Richard's voice sounded far away but I could still hear it.

Why can't I respond back?

I tried opening my mouth to respond but nothing came out. I couldn't move my arms or legs and the last thing I felt was Richard picking me up and placing me in his arms. "Clark go get Kris right now!" He yelled as he carried me into the hallway before my eyes closed and I didn't have the strength to reopen them.


"Emma sweetheart please wake up. I know I promised you that I would keep you safe and everything. I'm sorry I didn't do that or notice the symptoms. I can't wait to see your adorable little smile." KB's voice entered my head.

"I am awake KB." I tried saying but I couldn't move my lips. My vision was still black all around and I couldn't move my body. But I could hear what was happening around me.

What is that annoying beeping sound?

"Hey Kris why don't you run down and grab some food, no matter what happens here we still have to play our game tonight." Riz's voice also entered my head. "I'll stay here with her. And make sure you go down to the lobby and inform the guys on what's happening. I'll text you if anything happens."

"Fine. Call me right away if she wakes up, I'll explain to the team the diabetes diagnosis. Still can't believe I didn't even notice it." He said before I felt his hand make it's way to my head and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm here KB and I can hear you!" I tried screaming but I nothing happened making me frustrated.

"Hey don't beat yourself up about it. Richard didn't even know for sure till she passed out and he's a doctor. Go get food now." Riz tried pushing his hand off my head and I heard a scuffle of feet.

"I'll be right back Emma bear." KB whispered in my ear, before planting a gentle kiss on my temple.

I swear if that beeping doesn't stop I'm gonna lose my mind.

"It's just you and me now Emma. I just want you to know that Kris has been freaking out for the last three hours. You had us all scared pretty bad, when Kris came carrying you in his arms with tears coming down his face I automatically thought you had somehow died or something." He chuckled before grabbing my small hand. "He yelled for someone to call an ambulance and everyone began panicking."

I didn't mean for this to happen.

"It took four minutes for the ambulance to arrive and we met them outside the hotel entrance. The paramedics put you on a gurney and started an IV and then did all of this stuff I didn't understand." He suddenly sat down on the bed before continuing. "I rode with Kris in the ambulance. I've never seen him so scared and helpless. When we arrived, they rushed you back somewhere and we were told to wait in the lobby. And you know your KB, he began yelling that he was your guardian and should be back there."

So that's why KB's voice sounded hoarse.

"We waited an hour before they came back and let the two of us see you. They told us that you had diabetes and what you had been eating just wasn't sufficient enough to produce the amount of insulin you needed." He gave my hand a series of gentle squeezes.

"Riz." I tried to say again but couldn't get anything out besides a muffled squeak. Frustrated I tried squeezing his hand and was shocked when he reacted.

"Emma c'mon kid. You've got this, just open your eyes." He pleaded and gripped my hand.

One. Two. Three.

My eyes felt like weights as I struggled to open them. I barely lifted them before I shut them and waited a few seconds before trying again. This time I my eyes fluttered open easier then expected and I could keep them open. "Oh Emma you have no idea how excited I am to see you!" He cried out as jumped up from the bed.

"I missed you." I croaked, my throat feeling like sandpaper.

"Crap, I gotta call Kris." He yelled out as he ran into the hall. "Hey doc she's awake!" Running back in he pulled out his phone. "Kris bro she's up, yeah I just called the doctor he walking in right now. Okay see you in a few."

"Emma bear." I heard KB's voice shouting as he ran down the hallway. Hearing his incoming footsteps I smiled and tried sitting up. I felt Riz's and the doctors hands gently help me up and then I KB crashed into the doorframe.

"KB!" I whispered having my eyes fill with tears. I opened my arms and he took two steps before leaning down and giving me a hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that again silly!" He whispered and gave me a quick squeeze before moving back to let the doctor in.

"So when can I leave?" I questioned the doctor looking at him with pleading eyes.

"You will be discharged very soon." He responded before beginning his evaluation, making me smile at Riz and KB.

I can go home with them soon.

I'm sorry for making you guys wait on a cliffhanger! But this chapter made me very happy to write, thanks for reading :)

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