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Emma's P.O.V.

3:19 P.M.

"So what do we want for lunch?" KB asked me, as we walked into his apartment.

"Mac and cheese please!" I shout out while scrambling down from his arms and running into the bathroom. I quickly scrubbed my hands and then crept my way back towards the kitchen, trying to scare KB. I peeked my head around the corner just in time to see Riz walk in and shut the apartment door. Quickly I tiptoed back into the middle of the bathroom.

"Emma where are you?" Riz called out, while walking into the bedroom. Holding in my giggling I opened the cabinet under the sink and squeezed myself in. Closing the door, I held my breath listening for any footsteps.

"I think Emma is playing hide and seek Kris." Riz called out while walking into the bathroom stopping almost a foot away from me.

"I think she ran into the guest bedroom, before you came in the door." KB called back to him. Scrunching up my nose I shake my head confused.

KB saw me run into his bedroom though.

I pressed my ear against the cabinet, and listened to Riz take off for the guest bedroom while laughing. Smiling I close my eyes and begin to wait.

"AH!" I try to scream but a hand shoots out and covers my mouth. I open my eyes to see KB looking at me with his finger over his lips. I nod my head and he removes his hand from my mouth. "Hi KB!" I whisper giggle to him.

"Hi Emma bear, your mac and cheese is almost ready. How about I hide you in the kitchen and keep Rizzo looking for you in all the other rooms?" He asks me while grinning. Giving him a thumbs up, he helps me out of the cabinet and helps me stand up. "We gotta be super quiet." He tells me and begins to crawl around on the floor doing weird spin moves every once in a while.

This is just like being in a spy movie.

Giving him a smile, I try and copy his movements as I make my way over to him. We both peek our heads out the doorway looking towards the kitchen. KB holds up three fingers and slowly drops them one by one signaling that it was time to makes a run for it. He grabs my hand and we make it behind the counter in a few seconds.

"What was that?" Riz called out while walking back into the kitchen. I quickly dropped to all fours and quietly crawled until I was hidden in the corner.

"Uh me I walked to turn on the tv and then I remembered the mac and cheese was done so I ran back and took the pan off the stove." KB explained, while pouring the mac and cheese into three bowls.

"Sure it was. I have no idea where Emma is, so I'm gonna keep searching for a little bit. I find this highly entertaining." Riz called out while leaving the kitchen and entering the guest bathroom.

Bending down quickly, KB hands me my bowl and spoon. He repeats his actions to grab his bowl and sits down on the ground beside me. "Ten bucks he finds us in the next two minutes." He whispered to me. Nodding in agreement, I begin shoveling in my noodles.

Mmmm. I love mac and cheese.

"Gotcha!" Riz cried out while his hands grabbed my side. Shrieking I accidentally sprayed noodles out of my mouth and onto the floor. Giggling I stand up and grab a napkin wiping up my mess and throwing it out. Sitting back down I continue giggling as I resume eating.

"So Emma, I wanna know what you bought today." Riz told me while grabbing his own bowl and plopping down on the ground next to me.

"Uh I bought a bunch of shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, and sweatpants. Since we are going to Florida I got a swim suit as well." I told him proudly as I shoved another spoonful of noodles in my mouth.

"What about your hat?" KB whispered in my ear, quiet enough that Riz couldn't hear him.

"Oh yeah! I got a Chicago Cubs bucket hat!" I cried out smiling. Riz gave me an approving nod held out his hand for a high five. Slapping my hand to his, we all began to eat in peace.

On the kitchen floor.

"Wow I'm stuffed. That was a delicious lunch, but I do believe that we all need to pack for this weekend." KB exclaimed while getting up and putting all of our dishes in the dishwasher. "I believe that we should go do that now as it's getting kinda late.

"But KB it's only five oh nine." I tried protesting, while crossing my arms.

"Yes it is but our flight leaves at five thirty tomorrow morning and we have to leave here at four forty, meaning that we will need to go to bed earlier. So now let's go pack." Riz and KB both explained to me both adding to parts of their long speech.

"Fine!" I told them, while beginning to walk towards all the shopping bags. Suddenly I was scooped up into a pair of arms.

"How about I carry you and those shopping bags?" KB rhetorically asked me. Carrying me into his bedroom he plops me on the bed and begins to start packing for the both of us.

Watching him shovel all my shopping bag clothes into a suitcase became boring so I decided to turn on the tv. Flipping through the channels I stopped when I saw someone I recognized. "KB why is Mike on tv?" I whispered.

"Um I don't know, let's just turn it off and get ready for bed okay?" He quickly told me and shut off the tv.


"He's not gonna take me from you is he?" I asked while walking into the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

"Never. I will never allow you to go back with him. Now let's get you to bed, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow." He tells me as he guides me out of the bathroom and towards the bed.

"I'm not even tired." I try to tell him but am interrupted by yawning. "Okay maybe I am a little tired." I confessed to him drooping my head.

Laughing he picks me up and puts me on the bed. "I'll be in soon, I'm gonna stay up for a while with Rizzo and make sure we both are packed for the weekend. If you need anything just call out and I'll come back in." He tells me while tucking the covers up and over me.

"Goodnight KB." I whisper into his ear as I hug him.

"Goodnight Emma bear." He whispers back and kisses my forehead. "When you wake up you'll be in Florida." He whispers as he walks out of the room.


And with that, I slowly fell asleep.

Double update today because it's the weekend! Hope you guys liked this, kinda slow but just filler chapters. Mike was on tv.... thanks for reading :)

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