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Kris's P.O.V.

7:11 P.M.

"Wow I'm stuffed, that was the most delicious meal I've had in a long time." I exclaimed pushing the plate away from me.

"Me too." Emma repeated my action with her plate. Smiling I pick her up and place her in my lap. "How much longer till we can go swimming KB?" She whined adorably. I held up my right hand wiggling my fingers.

"Alright let's begin loading the busses to go back to the hotel?" Maddon yelled out grabbing everyone's attention. Standing up, I placed Emma on my shoulders and walked through the restaurant reaching the exit. "So how is little Emma doing this fine day?" Maddon suddenly asked as he appeared next to us.

"I'm good! I'm excited to go swimming tonight, we have a pool at the hotel." She excitedly yelled out waving her hands in the air. I secured her by gently grabbing her feet in case she were to lean too far back.

"That's awesome, I think I heard from some other guys that they were going to swim also. We should just make it a party, actually that's a great idea for some team bonding. Good thinking Emma!" He rushed out before running off.

"Kris and Emma sit back here with us." Rizzo called out from the back of the bus. Spinning Emma around to my hip, I walk us over to them and plop down in a seat. "So I heard that there is gonna be a pool party and the idea was brought up by our favorite cheerleader." Rizzo playfully joked with Emma making her look down at her lap.

"Who wants to play Rock Paper Scissors with the master?" Addison questioned as he sat down across from us.

"What's Rock Paper Scissors Addy?" Emma asked looking. I zoned out as Addison explained the rules and they began to play.

Who knew that a game could keep two people so busy?

"So the hotel didn't have enough rooms for everyone, meaning you all have a roommate. No I didn't choose the rooms, the hotel did so if you have any problems don't come to me. I'll be chilling at the pool. Feel free to join." Maddon's voice snapped me out of my trance. Simultaneously everyone stood up on the bus and shuffled off.

"I hope we get a cool roommate." Emma whispered in my ear before I set her on the ground putting my backpack on her.

"Me too Emma bear." I whispered back and grabbed our three duffel bags in my right hand. Grabbing her hand in my left, we walked into the hotel and to the reception desk. "Um Kris Bryant." I told the worker.

"Room one seventeen. Enjoy your stay." He mumbled as he handed me the key to our room. Nodding a thanks to him, I navigated the hotel hallway until I found the room.

"Wassup roomies!" Jakes loud voice boomed from behind us making Emma shriek. "Whoops sorry!" He quickly lowered his volume and unlocked the door and walked in leaving us in the hallway.

"Shall we?" I asked Emma holding out my hand to her. Grabbing it she gave me a squeeze and we walked in.

Man this is a nice suite.

"KB can we go swimming now?" She cried out as she let go of my hand and raced over to one of the beds. Scrambling on top of it, she took her shoes off and began to jump.

"I'm down for swimming. I'll change in the bathroom." Jake announced as he grabbed his swim trunks and rushed into the bathroom locking it.

"Now let's get you changed." I breathed out as I searched her suitcase for a bathing suit. "How about this one?" I asked holding up a pink and white striped one piece.

"Yeah yeah!" She agreed and race over to me. Quickly helping her change, she walked over to the mirror and squealed. "I love it!"

"Bathrooms all yours Kris, I'll stay out here with the munchkin." Jake bellowed out, once again scaring Emma. Giving him a pointed look I grabbed my trunks and went into the bathroom.

I put on my blue and white striped shorts and walked back out. "Who's ready to go swimming?" I rhetorically joked, knowing their answers. Grabbing Emma's hand we left the hotel room and left Jake trying to figure out how to lock the door.

"Welcome to the party my friends!" Rizzo yelled out before jumping into the pool. Seeing as everyone was at the outside pool, I grabbed two towels and walked outside. Randomly picking a chair I placed the towels down and picked Emma up.

"Ready big girl?" I smiled at her. She gave me a  hesitant smile, and I walked over to the shallow end. Gently easing into the water I let out a sigh of relief.

"This water feels nice. It's the perfect temperature." Emma murmured as she began to splash water back in forth. "Please don't let go. I don't know how to swim." She admitted to me looking up at me.

"I never would. Now let's go watch the cannon ball contest." I pointed out as I held up my left hand and pointed it towards the guys all lining up on the sides of the pool. The water began to rise the further I walked out and then finally stopped at my shoulders.

"Is Riz gonna jump now?" Emma called out tired of waiting for him. Flashing Emma a smile Rizzo jumped in and made a huge splash drenching Emma and myself.

Laughing I placed Emma in front of me but kept a secure grip on her stomach. I watched Emma giggle and cheer every time someone jumped in. "This is so cool KB!" She proclaimed loudly, earning a few cheers from others in agreement.

Maddon decided to get in on the action and jumped in creating a huge splash. I looked down and waited to see Emma's reaction, but didn't get one.

She's falling asleep.

Her eyes were drooping and her breathing was evening out. "Alright I think it's time we call it a night." I whispered to Rizzo who had swam over to us.

"Aw man just stay out here. She will be sound asleep in a few minutes, just have her lay down on the chair." He pleaded with me.

"Fine, I guess that's a good idea." I admitted as I slowly walked back over to the pool stairs and over to the towels. Gently drying Emma and myself off, I eased myself into a prone position on my back and placed Emma on my stomach. Making sure I could see all the guys, I wrapped my arms around Emma and began to relax.

"Goodnight KB." She barely whispered before planting her arms around my torso and falling asleep.

Was that a camera?

Turning my head to my right I saw Dexter standing there taking pictures on his phone. "I swear man just let me lay down in peace, or I will shove you in the pool." I tried threatening but ended up laughing as Addison ran over and pushed him into the pool for me. Giving me a thumbs up he jumped in after him.

"Goodnight to you too Emma bear." I whispered turning my attention back to her small figure. Leaning down I give her a small kiss on the head. "I hope this custody battle is over fast and you'll officially be Emma Bryant." I admitted to her sleeping body, before turning my head and closing my eyes for a quick nap.

I swear to god Dexter stop taking pictures.

Smiling I let myself take a nap to the sound of Dexter screaming as he's shoved back into the pool.

Honestly I can imagine Dexter being like this. Haha thanks for reading and commenting and voting and such! I love reading through all of your comments!

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